After that, I hear the opening and closing of a door, followed by chairs moving around.

“You heard the man, love, let’s go home, there is nothing we can do for her right now.”

Suddenly, I have the overwhelming urge to open my eyes, I want them to see that I’m here, that I’m awake. I don’t want to be left alone in the darkness again. Willing my eyes to open, it takes every ounce of strength I have. I feel like my eyelids have turned into lead and my strength has diminished to one percent.

Still, by some miracle my eyes slowly blink open. The bright yellow light coming from the ceiling overhead blinding me momentarily, but I keep squinting and blinking until I can make out the room and its contents.

“Oh my God! She’s waking up!” The woman’s high pitch voice hurts my ears a little but her hands covering mine are soft and warm and make up for the pain. “Oh, Harlow, you’re okay. Everything is going to be fine now, I promise.”

I blink, confused, then I look down at her hand and pull mine out of her grasp.

I look up into her big tear-filled blue eyes, horror, and shock reflect back at me and I ask the only question that I can, “Who are you?”

To be Continued…