Banks’ jaw tightens, and his eyes narrow as he leans down to whisper in my ear.

“Elbow me again and I’ll make a mockery out of you in front of everyone.” His warning makes me shiver and I can’t help but turn slightly, my gaze colliding with his. The need to ask him what he would do is almost too much. My mind imagining all kinds of things, all of which are wrong in every way.

There’s a hurricane of emotions swirling in those blue depths and I want to crack him open, spill all his secrets. Sullivan might have had my first kiss, but something tells me Banks will have my second.

A flurry of whispers fill the room and I realize people are looking at us, smiling, laughing and just like that I’ve made a mistake. I’ve fed right into the rumors being spread. The grin that spreads across Banks’ smug face tells me that was his point all along and suddenly I’m back to hating him and his brothers all over again.

Chapter Four

The first week of classes passes without another incident. Other than dirty looks and whispering everywhere I go nothing else has happened and, thank god for that. I have enough to deal with as it is.

I hate to admit it, but classes are harder than I thought. I had always had good grades in high school without even trying too much and I just now realize that it might have had something to do with my dad being a huge donor to school funding.

“How are you holding up?” Shelby asks, while I’m getting ready for a shower. I shrug. Really not sure what the hell I should tell her. Do I tell her about the brothers following me around? About the rumors? I’m sure she has already heard them.

“Everything is okay, I guess, I just imagined college would be different,” I admit. “I thought it would be the two of us having fun, spending our days doing whatever we wanted,” Shelby is studying art, while I’m majoring in social psychology. I knew we wouldn’t have a lot of classes together, but I didn’t expect to see her so little.

“I know the guys are getting on your nerves.”

“That’s the understatement of the year,” I scoff. “They just won’t let up. I don’t know where they get the energy to be so annoying.”

“Oh man, that sounds bad.” She shakes her head. “I can’t believe I used to have a crush on Sullivan.”

“You did?” I can’t believe I didn’t know that.

“Yeah, sixth grade, Miss Holli’s class.”

I shrug. “Well, don’t feel bad, everybody had a crush on him in middle school.”

“Yeah, I guess. Hey, listen, I’m sorry we’re not spending much time together, and I’m even more sorry for what I’m about to tell you.”

“Oh god, what is it? Is something wrong? Is your dad making you move back?” I don’t think I can take anything else right now. We might not see each other very much but knowing she is here, with me, it makes me feel better, not so alone.

“No, no, it’s not that. It’s just…” She seems to skirt around it, and the knot of anxiety in my gut starts to build. “It’s just… I got a paid internship at the local art gallery.” She finally mutters, head hanging low, as if she’s ashamed.

“Oh my god, Shelby! That’s great! I’m so proud of you,” I screech, lunging towards her and throwing my arms around her neck. “Wait. Why do you sound so sad about it?” She should be excited, jumping up and down, but instead she looks like one of those dogs in the animal shelter.

“Because it means that I’ll be gone even more. We will hardly see each other, and I know you need me right now. I’m being a bad friend. I should just decline the offer. I’m only a freshman and I don’t really need the money either.”

I start to shake my head, blonde strands of hair cling to my face.

“Oh, hell no. You will absolutely not! You will go and rock their world and show them how amazing you are.”

No way will I allow her to give something like this up, she deserves to have freedom too. I’ll survive, one way or another. She’s not going to sacrifice her happiness to be a human shield for me.

“Are you sure? I came here for you, and I don’t want to be that friend that skips out.”

“Yes, I’m sure. If you don’t go, I will make you.” I give her my best evil look which only makes me smile. She examines my face like she doesn’t believe me, and I narrow my gaze, seriousness overtaking my features.

“Okay! I’ll go,” she murmurs into my hair as she leans forward. I hold onto her a little longer before pulling away, missing the hug as soon as it ends. “They’re asking me to come in today so they can show me around, after classes I’ll head over there, and be back later tonight. Maybe we can get a later dinner together or something?”