Like a nervous tick, I spend the entire class chewing on the end of my pencil. I’ve written some notes down, but to be honest I didn’t listen to half of what was said, my mind occupied with the brown haired, blue eyed asshole sitting five seats away from me, the asshole who hasn’t even looked my way once. I expected him to be upset about my parents showing up, about the things that they told his brothers, but I never expected him to turn his back on me. I guess if anything I’m disappointed in him, in the fact that out of all three brothers he didn’t even hear me out.

Lost in thought, I didn’t even realize the professor had dismissed the class until people started getting up to leave. Sullivan is out of his seat and out the door before I even blink, the only proof that he was actually here is his rain water scent wafting through the air. Standing I shake my head in disbelief, how mature. Gathering up my book and notebook I shove them into my backpack and zip the thing before putting it on. Even with all the tension and awkwardness between us I feel a twinge of loss at his absence. I wish I didn’t feel this pull towards him, like my heart is breaking when he fails to acknowledge that I exist.

Everything about us is wrong. Wanting to be with them, it’s forbidden, like poisoned fruit that’s dangling right in front of me. But, they’re always slipping through my fingers. I escape the confines of the room and walk out the double doors and onto the sidewalk.

With my backpack slung across my shoulder and my English Literature book under my arm, I start walking towards my next class. I hurry, not wanting to be late for another class. Putting one foot in front of the other, focusing on my steps I don’t notice the person approaching me until it’s too late.

My lungs deflate and a scream claws up my throat as my backpack is ripped from my shoulder, tugging me backwards with it. My book slips from beneath my arm and tumbles to the concrete.

“What the hell?” I yell, whirling around to face my assailant. When I do, I realize that there are two people instead of one, and not just people but men. Fear trickles down my spine. I don’t recognize either one of the two guys, but one thing appears in my mind in bright neon, I don’t want to know them.

“Why haven’t you answered any of our text messages?” One of the guys sneers at me, his eyes menacing in the afternoon sun. It takes me a moment to grasp onto what he’s said. First, I think he might just be mistaking me for someone else but then he continues speaking and it’s clear that he is talking about the banner with my cell phone number painted on it. “What the fuck? I sent you some nice dick pics, cock, and balls, and I expected you to send me something back.”

“Don’t you know it’s rude not to return the favor? I suppose we can let it slide, but only if you let us see what you’ve got going on under that sweater,” the second guy chimes in, licking his lips like I’m a medium rare steak waiting to be devoured.

“Get lost, douchebags” I spit as I bend down to retrieve my book. Assholes. This is just another reason, another thing that proves why I should forget about the brothers. If it wasn’t for them, I wouldn’t be dealing with this right now.

With the book in my hands I straighten. Mentally I’ve already made a plan to escape, to get away before this can escalate further, but as I turn to walk away from them, one of the fuckers grabs me, his meaty paw landing on my skin like a hot branding iron.

“Whoa, where the hell do you think you’re going? We aren’t done here, sugar. I showed you mine and now you’re going to show me yours,” he leers, his gaze roaming over my chest and even though I’m not showing cleavage, or any real skin, I feel exposed.

“I don’t think so,” I snap, trying to wretch my arm free from his grasp, but that only encourages him more, and he digs his fingers deeper into my flesh. To make matters worse, the second guy gets a hold of my other arm and before I can stop them, I’m being pulled towards the back of the building.

“Let go of me!” Panic is coating my words. I might as well have not said them at all because they ignore me as if I hadn’t said anything..

Panic settles deep in my gut and I’m seconds away from starting to scream at the top of my lungs when a third figure appears beside us. Oh god, and I thought this couldn’t get any worse, now there are three of them.