The water fills up until it’s almost at the edge before Sullivan gets up and shuts it off. For a few minutes I just soak in the water and let the tension seep from my body.

“Do you want to call the police? If someone tried to kill you…” Sullivan suddenly breaks the silence.

“No,” I cut him off. “I don’t want to call the police. One, I don’t have anything to tell them. I didn’t see anything, plus I was drinking…underage drinking. I’m already the center of attention at school, there’s no need to make things worse for myself. Maybe whoever pushed me didn’t want to kill me. Maybe it was just a joke that went too far? I don’t know but I don’t want to do anything that might add to my problems.”

“You really believe that?” No, but I want to believe that that’s all it was, because the alternative is too scary to consider.

“I don’t know what to believe, but I do know that I want this to be over. I want to be a normal college student and forget this whole thing ever happened. I’m probably the laughing stock of the campus now.” I frown staring down into the bubbly water. “Well, more than I was already.”

“Look…” I glance up at Sullivan. Those blue orbs of his bleed into mine, making my heart skip a beat or five. I can almost see the apology forming on the tip of his tongue. I shake my head slightly, hoping he understands. I don’t want an apology. I should be the one apologizing. All of this is my fault.

“You should stay here for a few days,” Banks interrupts. “If someone really did push you, maybe it’s not safe for you at the dorms anymore.” Logically speaking he’s not wrong, if it wasn’t just some sick joke then that means someone’s out to get me, but who?

“You don’t really want me here, we all know it.” I avert my gaze so they can’t see the sadness flickering in my eyes. I’m ashamed over how weak I am for these men, how much I want them, when I know I shouldn’t.

“If we didn’t want you here we would tell you to leave, you should know that. I want you to stay, and although I can’t speak for my brothers, I’m sure they feel the same.”

“Feel the same about what?” Oliver says, walking into the bathroom, droplets of water clinging onto his hair. He looks clean and happy.

“Harlow staying here for now,” Sullivan explains. “Banks thinks she shouldn’t go back to the dorms if someone tried to kill her and I agree. It would make watching over her easier.”

“Yeah, I agree too,” Oliver says, without thinking about it. “It’s settled, she stays.” He decides clapping his hands together.

“Mhm, she is right here, and she should get a say in where she goes, right?” I say into the room, knowing damn well that they’re all going to disagree with me.

“No.” All three of them say at almost the same time. Each of their faces hold the same expression, a mix between fight me, and annoyance.

“Whatever.” I roll my eyes and sink down a little deeper until I’m chin deep in the water. If they want to play hotel for the next few days, then so be it. It’s not like they don’t have the space here for an extra person and I’m not going to lie, this is much nicer than the dorm shower stalls. I allow myself to soak a little longer while all three of them stand and hover over me broodingly, like someone could possibly get to me in their guest bathroom. It’s kind of cute how protective they’re being. Almost enough to make me forget their bullying ways.

When it’s time to get out of the bath it’s just as awkward as it was getting in. The guys kind of avert their gazes but insist on helping me out. Sullivan wraps me up in a large fluffy towel and before I can take a single step he bends to pick me up. I don’t even say anything knowing he’s not going to put me down. What’s the point in wasting my energy?

They want to treat me like fine china then I’ll let them.

We walk back through the guest bedroom, but instead of putting me down on the bed like I expect him to, he keeps walking until we’re in another room, a room that has to be his because it smells just like him. The room is vaguely familiar and I realize it’s the same bedroom they cornered me in the night of the party. Except now the lights are on and I can see the contents of the room. Dark sheets, grey walls, a wrought iron bed, close to the floor. The room screams masculinity.