“Every month just after my cycle, I’ve always been on time, you’d meet up, and we’d have sex.”

He remembered their wedding night, and it had been such a total disaster. She’d been a virgin, and he’d been so damn aroused by her, even though they hadn’t said two words to each other outside of their nuptials.

“Did you cook for us?” he asked.

“Yes. All the meals you ate at that house, I prepared.”

“Damn. I never knew.”

“It seems there’s a lot we don’t know about each other.”

He couldn’t agree more. “So, what made you do this?”

“You really want to know?”

“Yes. I need to know.”

Addie signed and took a seat across from him. She locked her fingers together, pressing her arms tight against her body. Her tits pushed together, and his cock swelled at the sight.

“I’ve always loved cooking, even from a little girl. I’d be around my grandmother, watching her. When she died before we got married, she told me to promise her that I would never live a life of regret. Life was too short, and that I had to live it, doing something I loved. I loved cooking. After she died, and I married you, I thought it was going to be different. I waited around in that house, and it just wasn’t the same. I didn’t have the passion there that I do here. There’s nothing there I love or what to be part of. That house belongs to my mother, not to me.” She ran a finger along her bottom lip, and Shaun was drawn to that single digit. “When you would disappear for weeks at a time, and only return for that once a month ‘inoculation’, I’m going to call it.” She chuckled, and he was filled with shame. “I started to think about what I wanted to do, and this was it. The blog, the cooking, and sharing it with friends, that’s how it was born.”

He glanced around the modest kitchen, and he saw all of the top of the range equipment around the room. Shaun spotted the camera in the corner.

“Is that rolling?”

“No. Not today. When I’m cooking, Darla holds the camera, and we have lights set up, but I couldn’t cook every single day in a kitchen like that. I need to have my space to create. Wow, we have actually talked. How strange is that?”

“Do you want kids?” he asked.


“Children. I was under the impression you wanted them straight away.” He loved kids, but he wasn’t ready to have his own. Shaun had been trying to give Addie everything she ever wanted. He was starting to see there was a lot he didn’t know about his woman. Her mother had fed him a lot of lies when it came to her.

“Right now? No, I don’t want kids. It’s too soon, and I’m not ready to have them. Do you want kids?”

“One day. I thought you wanted them immediately.”

“No. We don’t know enough about each other to take that next step.”

“I agree. Can you get pregnant?” he asked, blurting the question out.


“We’ve been trying for three years, and nothing has happened. I got tested as I thought something was wrong with me.” He’d wanted to break the vicious cycle they were in, and finally give her something she actually wanted. If she couldn’t get pregnant then he would deal with it.

“Oh, God, I’m so sorry. It’s not you at all. Before we were married, I went and got the implant.” She showed the inside of her left arm. “I got the implant before we were married. You were supposed to marry Evangeline, not me. I was going to tell you, but you seemed determined not to talk to me about anything. You were always so busy, never wanting to actually talk. I didn’t think it would go on as long as it did. Three years was a long time to be stuck in some kind of rut, and I figured you’d find your release elsewhere—”


“Yes. The women you’ve been dating. I’ve seen your picture in the newspapers, and on magazines. I figured you’d found what you were really looking for.”

“I wasn’t looking for anything.”

“Shaun, you’re a good looking man. I know I’m not the kind of woman for you.”

He didn’t like that. “What the hell is that supposed to mean?” he asked, pissed that she would put herself down like that.

“You’re a hot guy, Shaun. I’m not. I’m overweight.”