Addison raised her brow. “Seriously?”

“Her getting pregnant, and causing that fucking scandal—there was no way I was going to ever trap myself with her. She’s far too wild.”

“I’m up just plain and boring, right?”

There it went again, the old insecurity rearing its ugly head. She was the plain Jane, and her sister, the wild child that everyone loved.

“Shit, I didn’t mean it like that.”

Folding her arms, she stared at Shaun. “Do you realize this is our first real conversation?”

“I know.” He stepped up close, leaning against the counter.

“Are you going to ask me to quit my cooking?”


“Really?” she asked, surprised. She’d expected him to make her quit, or at least to stop what she loved.

You don’t know him. Not really.

“I don’t.” He took a seat at the counter. “I want to try that chocolate cake that had that guy moaning as if he was having sex with you.”

With her cheeks growing warmer by the second, Addison cut him a slice of cake.


Shaun couldn’t believe how little he knew about his wife. Addie’s cheeks went bright pink, and she cut him a large chunk of cake without saying a word. He’d seen Darla pull up outside of the building, and he’d simply walked over to her.

“You’ve found her out?” Darla asked.

“Take me to her apartment, Darla. I’m not in the mood to play games.”

“I’m not in the mood to help you hurt my best friend.”

“I’m not going to hurt her. I need to talk to her.”

When he’d walked into the apartment he’d heard moaning and groaning, all the signs he’d yet to hear from Addie’s own lips. Jealousy had struck him deep. No man was allowed to touch what belonged to him, and Addie was his woman. The very thought of another person touching her, had him so damn angry. He wanted her all to himself.

Taking a slice of the sinful cake, he took a bite, not knowing what to expect. The moment the chocolate hit his tongue, it was like an explosion of flavor. His mouth watered for another slice, and he just couldn’t help himself. He needed more.

“Wow,” he said. “This is so damn good. You’ve cooked like this the whole time?” He’d never been a big chocolate lover, as he preferred citrus, but he was in love.

“In the beginning I kind of sucked. I’ve learned a lot in the last couple of years. It really has been a wonderful experience.”

“I can’t believe how good this is. I mean, wow, this is so damn good.”

She chuckled as he kept on eating her food. He loved it. Shaun hadn’t heard her chuckle before either, and he stared into her eyes, seeing the delight inside them. Slowly, little by little, he’d been killing her, and he was only just witnessing it now.

Finishing off the cake, he was tempted to lick the crumbs but decided against it.

“You really did like it?” she asked.

“I loved it.”

“I’m so pleased.” She took the plate away, and placed it in the sink. “I bought this place once I realized you had a routine of visiting me.”
