Page 23 of Billionaire Husband

Chapter Six

One week later

“So, what’s going on?” Darla asked.

They were sitting in a private booth in a hotel restaurant. Paula had arranged for her to do a pre-release book signing sale. There was a large stack of books, and every person who had come got a free signed book. Addison had just taken her lunch break as it had been a busy morning. She must have signed her name a minimum of four hundred times already. Her hand was aching, and when she thought about aching, she remembered other parts of her body that were also aching. Shaun wasn’t backing down, and all week he’d been by her apartment after he finished work. It was kind of surreal to her. They’d gone from being separate husband and wife to being close. Well, at nighttime they were incredibly close. Sex was something else. He awakened her body in ways she’d only ever read about, and when she thought about his touch, she came to life.

“About what?” she asked.

Darla laughed. “You know what, you and Shaun. Dean and I are rather curious about you.”

Looking at her friend, she saw there was a slight blush to Darla’s cheeks.

“What’s going on with you and Dean?”


Raising her brow, Addison laughed. “That was a little fast. Are you sure you’ve got nothing to hide?”

“I’ve got nothing to hide. Dean and I, we’re friends. There’s no way I can date him. He’s a model. He’s paid to look good.”

“And does he look good to you?” Addison asked.

Darla’s cheeks went a deeper shade of red. “Please, stop it. You’re not being funny, and we’re supposed to be talking about you anyway. What’s going on with you and Shaun?”

Addison laughed. “You should really see your face. You look so red and adorable with your blush.”

“Stop it, and you’re evading the question.”

“No, I’m not. I’m finding out what’s going on in my friend’s life. You’re my friend, and I know something is going on. Every time Dean walks into my apartment you go all red, and blush, and stammer. It’s really charming, and sweet.” She’d noticed it the day after her night with Shaun. After he left for work, Dean entered her apartment, and she’d fed him breakfast demanding to know all of the news.

Dean was kind of a girl at heart. When Darla entered her apartment, there had been a lot of secretive looks, and shared heated glances that had got Addison wondering.

Were her friends dating each other?

“What’s happening with you and Shaun?”

“We’re married, and have been for three years. What’s going on with you and Dean?” she asked.

“You’ve been married three years, and it’s only now that he’s taking an interest.”

“We’ve had our differences, and we’re working through them. Give up, and tell me what’s going on with you and lover boy? You know I’m going to find out.”

“What makes you think anything is happening?”

“You’ve gone from flirting with each other, to acting like total strangers in my place. Not only that, you can’t stop blushing when he’s around. Tell me, what gives?”

Darla growled. “Okay, okay, you’re a hard woman.”

“Tell me.”

Darla took a sip of her water. “We had … sex.” She whispered the last word, and Addison had to strain across the table in order to hear it.

“You had sex?”

“Yes!” Darla glanced around the room.

“Was it not good? Is that why you’re acting like this?” Addison knew what it was like to be with a guy and the sex be awful. Her and Shaun’s sex life prior to this last week had been a damn nightmare.