Page 44 of Billionaire Husband

Chapter Ten

They survived leaving the hotel, and even boarded Shaun’s private jet with no problems. The moment they landed, they were swarmed. Shaun did everything he could to protect her, and Addison was thankful. Microphones were thrust under their faces, and questions fired at them.

“What’s going to happen now that your marriage is a sham?”

“Did you remain faithful to your wife?”

“Is it really you cooking on your show?”

“Is everything a lie?”

By the time they arrived at the broadcasting house, Addie was exhausted. She’d never known anything like what she’d just experienced. She was used to being overlooked, not in the spotlight. There were many billionaires who didn’t live life in the camera.

“Are you okay, baby?” Shaun asked.

They had been seen to a private dressing room. She was going through some of the clothes that had been left out, and had been told they had an hour to get ready.

“I’m fine.” Her hands were shaking, and she felt sick to her stomach.

Shaun moved up behind her. “Don’t push me away. Talk to me.”

Letting go of the clothes, she released a breath. “I’ve never been so scared in all my life. Why would she do this?”

“My mother is a first class bitch, and once we’ve handled today, I’m going to pay her a final visit. She’ll learn to leave us alone.”

“What are you going to do?”

“Don’t worry about it, Addie.”

Her cell phone started ringing, and with Shaun resting his chin on her neck, she looked to see who it was.

“Darla. I wonder if she has heard,” he said, moving away.

“Hey,” Addison said, answering the call.

“What the fuck! Seriously, I log into our emails for the show, and all this shit is going on? It hasn’t been a week, and this is going on?”

Sitting down in one of the chairs, she ran a hand down her face. “Where do you want me to start?”

“At the beginning.”

Addison brought her friend up to date on everything that had been going on in her life, including all the crap that hadn’t gone right. She told her about the awful dinner, and how she and Shaun had finally cut ties. When she finished, she was crying, and Shaun was holding her.

“Fuck, I knew your family was fucked, but wow. You’re going to be doing a press conference?”

“More like an interview. Have you seen Dean?”

“Dean? Why would I see him?”

“He’s on his way to Yorkshire to be with you.”

Darla sighed. “Believe it or not, I’m at the airport to come and support you.”

“You don’t have to do that.”

“You’re my best friend, and that is what people do for each other. We support each other with this kind of stuff. I’m not having anyone tear apart our hard work on our show. We did that, Addie. You and me, we put that together, and it’s our baby. I refuse for anyone to drag it through the mud. I’ve already been on the phone with Paula, and she’s arranging for me to come out on some of our own interviews. The public, our loyal watchers, need to see that we’re not fakes. Our show is genuine.”

“Then do me a favor, and call Dean. He’s going to be worried.”