“What is it?”

“Haven’t you seen any of her videos?”

“No. I didn’t even know she could fucking cook!” He was losing his temper, and was so damn angry. His wife had a whole other life, and he’d not known about it.

Bruce walked toward the laptop, and Shaun collapsed into his chair.

Before him, Bruce loaded up a webpage, and clicked play.

“Hi, everyone, Addie here again, and today I’m going to be cooking the most amazing chocolate truffles. Now, please don’t turn off, or panic. These are easy, delicious, and so damn good. They’re much better than shop bought ones. I tried these on Shaun, and he loved them. Believe me, they’re worth knowing.”

For the next fifteen minutes he listened to his wife talk to her viewers, and showed a warmth he’d never had directed at him. Her eyes sparkled, and there was just an energy and passion around her that he’d never seen before.

“Did you know?”

Bruce’s face went red.

“Just tell me, Bruce.”

His PA was like a friend to him, and Shaun trusted him with everything.

“My wife watches her every week, and tries all of her recipes. They are delicious. Honestly, Shaun, they’re amazing.”

Running a finger along his bottom lip, he scrolled through several of the recipes, and clicked on each one. Some of the food he recognized, as he’d eaten it before they’d gone upstairs, and had sex. What he didn’t recognize was the kitchen.

What the hell was happening?

Bruce left the office to answer the phone calls. Shaun was so pissed off right now, and he just couldn’t think straight. Clicking on another video, he watched as she cooked a turkey, made the perfect mashed potatoes, and even some gifts. She was spellbinding as far as he was concerned.

Scrolling down the page, he clicked on the link to her website, and started going through all of her recent updates. There were pictures of the book, and the places she was going to visit. He also noticed whenever he was mentioned, she always changed the subject. The interview that he’d just seen was actually filmed a couple of weeks ago, and it was only now going live.

He needed to talk to her. Getting to his feet, he told Bruce where he was going, and made his way out of his office.

It wasn’t like him to leave halfway through the working day, but he just couldn’t sit around anymore while watching his wife cook on the internet. This should have been something he knew about.

The truth was, he’d always put Bruce in charge of handling his wife’s affairs. He’d not wanted to get married, and when he was at work, he refused to have any part in her problems. When they first married, he really believed she was going to be different toward him. Addie had been cold. She’d not spoken to him, and talking to her had been a chore. He’d not taken the time to get to know her. Their parents had told them they were getting married, and he’d done what was needed to do.

He controlled two companies worth billions of dollars, and he’d been too damn busy to take the time with his wife.

You still take other women out to dinner.

Shaun wondered if Addie had seen the gossip on his supposed affairs. He’d not had any affair, not at all. The women he’d been seen with, he’d only taken out to dinner. Some of the models were part of the advertisement of his companies. Part of his company dealt with the media. He had his hands in a lot of different pies, and he loved it.

Climbing in his expensive, top of the range car, he drove toward the house that was just too damn cold for him. He grabbed his key, and turned it in the lock.

“Addie?” He shouted her name, and was shocked by how quiet the house was.

Entering the sitting room, he saw the chairs were covered with crisp, white sheets.

“What the hell is going on?” He made his way toward the kitchen, and again, bare. Opening the fridge, he saw it was empty and turned off.

Pulling out his cell phone, he dialed the housekeeper, and when she answered, he fired off lots of questions.

“Sir, I’m paid to come and remove the sheets from the furniture, turn down the bed, and fill the fridge with food.”

“Nothing else?”

“Nothing else. Addison doesn’t live there, sir.”

Snapping the phone closed, he paced. Where the fuck did his wife live?

He called Bruce. His PA was the only person he trusted with this information.