Page 25 of Billionaire Husband


Standing in the background, Shaun watched as Addie made her thank you video to her fans and watchers. Her book was officially released, and they had become a true married couple in the last two weeks. They were the best two weeks he’d ever had, and what he’d actually hoped for. Their relationship wasn’t perfect, and at night Addie struggled to deal with him in her bed. She found him a little invasive, and it was his fault for pushing her away.

Darla gave Addie the thumbs-up, and they moved on to a super special brownie recipe. Leaning against the wall, he was so charmed by her. He’d also had lunch with Paula to see what was going on with his wife. There was no way he was ever going to let her be at risk with the vultures that were out there. Paula was a fantastic agent, and she cared about Addie, and believed she had a real future as a cook. They had a long discussion, and he’d gotten the breakdown of her contract, along with the future deals. She was still allowed to run her video and blog. The recipes for the book were all new.

Addie wouldn’t let anyone call her a chef. She was a home cook, nothing else. Darla moved the camera so that it went right up close to the brownies.

Shaun watched as she spread the brownies out in the pan, and licked the spoon. He held in a groan as his cock twitched. Tonight he was going to feel her lips wrapped around his cock. He’d been fantasizing about her lips around his cock. One of his favorite things to do just lately was lick out her creamy pussy.

He had plans to have her screaming his name as he tongued her pussy, and at the same time, he hoped she licked his dick.

“Cut,” Darla said, giggling. “I’ll never get bored of that.”


“I’ve got to wait for the brownies to bake. In about fifteen minutes I’ll do the next step. Until then, I get to clean, yay.”

Before he got a chance to say anything to her, someone entered her apartment.

“Damn, you’re baking brownies and you didn’t invite me?” Dean asked, shouting out.

Shaun watched as Darla stumbled, and caught herself on the counter.

“You okay?” he asked.

Darla was a sweetheart, and he liked her because she was so damn good to his woman. Addie looked from Dean then to Darla.

Shaun looked at Dean, and saw he was staring at Darla as if he wanted to eat her. Darla was looking everywhere but at him. That was interesting. Glancing over at his woman, he saw Addie was smiling.

“Shaun, I wanted to talk to you about something,” she said, grabbing his arm.

Following his woman toward their bedroom, he looked behind him to see Dean walk up to Darla. There was no confidence in his movements, and he looked nervous more than anything.

“What’s going on?” he asked.

“Nothing. I just want to give them ten minutes while we wait for the brownies to finish.”

“Something is going on with Dean and Darla?”

“Hell yeah.”

Addie closed the bedroom door and leaned against it. “Something is seriously going on with them.”

“Like what?”

“They have been together. You know, together-together.”

“I can see that. Did you see the way he was looking at her?” Shaun asked, closing the distance and cupping her waist.

“Yeah, I saw. He wanted to eat her, and that wasn’t all. He wanted a lot more.” Addie tilted her head back, and smiled up at him.

“I wonder what we can do to help?”

“Give them space, and give them a chance to explore each other. Darla’s nervous about having more with him.”

“I can see that. Who can trust a model? It’s just strange.”

She slapped his chest. “Don’t be mean. I could say the same about you. You’re a ruthless businessman, and I don’t trust you at all.” She raised her brow, and he just couldn’t resist. He slammed his lips down on hers, and devoured her.