Page 15 of Her Father's Enemy

Around me, the forest is peaceful, the only sounds the wind rustling the leaves and the excited trills of birds. And I let my tears fall. Being with Flint—I’ve never felt so happy. It just felt so right. But he lied to me, if not directly, then by omission. Like my mother lied to me.

A sob cracks out of me, and I stop, leaning against the thick trunk of an oak. I can’t imagine never seeing Flint again. The thought tears open my heart and makes it hard to breathe. Maybe I should at least give him and mom a chance to explain themselves. Hear their side of the story. Maybe my mother had a good reason to leave, and having Flint kidnap me was her way of trying to get me back. I press my eyes shut, tears still leaking out of them. I shouldn’t have run. I should’ve given them the benefit of the doubt and listened.

I push myself off the tree and stumble forward. I can already see the main road through the trees. I’ll wait there for Flint. I’m sure he and his men are already looking for me, and I don’t have the energy to walk all the way back.

I burst out of the tree line, panting, sweat sliding down my back. In the distance, I hear the roaring of motorbikes, and a smile pulls at my lips. He’s coming for me. It’ll all be alright. I turn toward the sound, still a dull roar in the distance, and see a black SUV coming toward me. To my surprise, the car comes to a halt. And in the driver’s seat sits a familiar large figure. Keith, my bodyguard, who’s staring at me as if he’s seen a ghost. Shit.

Keith jumps out of the car, his eyes wide, running toward me.

“Oriana? What happened to you? Are you okay? I’ve been so worried.”

To my surprise, he flings his arms around me and holds me tight. When he lets go, he gives me an assessing look, as if searching for injuries.

“I’m okay,” I tell him, trying to figure out what the hell to do.

“Come on. I’ll take you home.” I want to protest. Want to tell him I’ll be fine, that he should just leave me here. But I know Keith. He’s always been protective of me, and there’s no way he’ll leave me. And If Flint and his men show up, somebody might get hurt. And Keith will know they’re the ones who kidnapped me. I don’t know if I can trust him to keep it quiet. If my father finds out it’s them—I shudder. Keith needs to get out of here, now. And that he means I have to leave with him.

I give him a watery smile. “Thank you, Keith.”

He takes my arm and leads me to the car. I climb into the backseat and lie down, telling Keith it’s because I’m exhausted. But what I’m really worried about is Flint driving by and seeing me in the car. If he did, there’s no telling what he might do.

Keith starts to drive, and I close my eyes. When the unmistakable sound of a motorbike whooshes past, my heart shatters in my chest. I might never see Flint again, and it’s all my fault.


I slam my shoulder into the locked bathroom door. Once, twice. Then it gives. The bathroom is empty and the window open. And I roar and roar until my throat is sore.

She’s gone. The woman I love is gone. I’ll get her back. I have to.

The next few hours pass in a blur. I drive around, looking for her. But she’s gone. Gone. The word keeps clanging through my head.

I return to the safe house at four in the morning, after having looked everywhere I can think of. Except her father’s house. The thought makes me feel sick, but that’s where she must have gone. It takes everything in me not to drive to the asshole’s home and drag her out of there. But if I tried that, Oriana might end up hurt and I might end up dead. There’s nothing I wouldn’t put past the bastard. I’ll have to find another way. Getting her back is the only option.

No-one is asleep. Everyone is gathered around the kitchen table, their faces pale and drawn. Sarah’s eyes are red and swollen, her lower lip trembling. For one long year, she didn’t get to see her daughter. One long year of worry and guilt, of trying to find a way to get her away from that cold-hearted bastard.

Holly touches my arm. “We’ll get her back, Flint. It’ll be okay.”

I shake my head and leave the room, unable to speak.

I lie in bed, but sleep eludes me. Every time I drift off, her face flashes in front of my eyes, so vivid I’m sure I can reach out to touch her. Every time I try and fail, I jerk awake.

It’s a relief when the grey light of dawn seeps in through the window. Despite my lack of sleep, I’m wide-awake, wired. Full of an unbridled desire to do something, anything to get her back. I will. I have to.