“What were you fucking thinking? You want me to kill someone else? Or you just want to piss us off?” Easton asks through clenched teeth as we pull away from the frat house.

“Maybe I wanted you to see what it feels like.”

“What it feels like?” Easton’s voice booms through the car. “I didn’t fucking throw myself at the next best thing. You did! Looked mighty desperate too if you ask me.” I know he is saying those words to hurt me, and he doesn’t miss his mark. They leave a terrible sting behind, and the sick feeling in my gut spreads throughout my body.

“You messed up, Stella. You shouldn’t have done that,” Cameron finally speaks up, disappointment dripping from his words. “We told you this was a test, and you failed miserably.”

“Sorry, I don’t measure up to your standards,” I bark, the alcohol in my veins not helping at all. Crossing my arms, I sink back into the seat like a small child. “I guess I’ll try to do better on our next outing.”

“Next?” Easton scoffs. “You really think we’re gonna take you anywhere after that shitshow? You’re lucky if you’ll ever leave the bedroom again.”

I refuse to look at him. I’m angry with myself, with them, with the entire situation. I hate that I’m acting this way, that I got that guy hurt because of my actions.

“All I wanted was for you to feel the same pain I’m feeling…”

“That’s just it, Stella,” Easton turns in his seat, and I can feel his eyes on me, but I don’t dare glance at him. Instead, I focus on a speck of dust clinging to the window. “In order to hurt my feelings, I’d have to have them, to begin with. So next time you provoke me, remember that.”

Forcing myself to look at him, I let my gaze collide with his before I whisper, “I will.”

I’m tired of longing for something more when there isn’t anything to hope for.



For days now, Easton and Stella have been at each other’s throats. I try to diffuse the situation, but I can’t make either of them happy. Stella needs things from us that I am not sure we can give her. Yes, I have feelings for her, and they’re growing every day, but Easton isn’t like me. He’s more stubborn and much harder to convenience.

The tension in this house is at an all-time high, and for once, it’s not the sexual kind. I’m not sure how to deal with it, but the way we have been isn’t working.

Stella is curled up on the couch watching some chick flick while Easton is sitting at the table, writing a paper for class, on his laptop. I’m sitting on the recliner, scrolling through my phone, enjoying the quiet and peace. I look up from my phone, and it’s almost like I know it won’t last long…

The doorbell rings, and I shoot a questionable glance to Easton. He shakes his head, answering my silent question on if he was expecting anyone. I guess not.

Setting my phone on the coffee table, I get up and go to open the door. As soon as I do, I wish I had never gotten up.

“Hey, sexy,” Chelsey, a girl I used to occasionally fuck greets me and pushes past me and into the house without waiting for my invitation.

“Whoa, hold on. I don’t have time for this,” I tell her, grabbing her by the arm, but she shrugs out of my hold and steps further into the foyer. Now she is close enough to the living room that Stella can see her. Great.

“What the hell are you doing here, Chelsey?” I growl, trying to keep my voice low.

“You,” she snickers, turning to face me, a giant smile on her face. “Who’s the girl sitting on your couch, and why is she dressed?”

“None of your business. Now, get out.”

“Why so mean? I just got back into town and wanted a quick fuck. If you’re not down, tell Easton I’m available.”

“I’m busy,” Easton’s gruff voice echoes from the dining room.

“Busy with her?” Chelsey points toward Stella, who is looking at us with wide eyes.

“Yes. I’ll call you when I’m done with her, okay?” I say simply to get rid of her. “Neither one of us is interested right now, so leave.”

“Come on. We can include her…” She frowns, giving me her best pouty face, but none of that works on me.

“Leave,” I repeat, firmer this time. She rolls her eyes, but heads toward the door.

“Fine, but call me when you are ready to have your dick sucked properly.” She shoots Stella a dirty look and walks to the door.

“Will do,” I say without thinking. I just want her out of the house and gone. As soon as she steps outside, I close the door and lock it behind her. I turn the doorbell off on my way back to the living room, just in case, she doesn’t get the picture.