She isn’t the pawn or bishop anymore. She’s the queen in our fucked up kingdom, and we’re the kings that were made to protect, cherish, and own her.

All three of us crawl into bed, Stella in the middle. Cam pulls her back to his front, molding their bodies together. I scoot closer, feeling so completely drawn to her, nothing could stop me from taking her into my arms right now. Reaching for me, she lays her hand on my chest, the touch so innocent, so normal, but so life-altering at the same time. I hold her close to my chest and press my lips to her temple. A soft sigh expels from her lips, and a calmness washes over me.

For the first time in months, it feels like all the demons and darkness inside of me have quieted. I place my hand over hers and close my eyes, the steady beat of our hearts mirror together. This is how we belong, the three of us together… always.



“You have your book, folder, calculator, and pencil?” Cameron asks for the third time.

“Yes, I already told you,” I smile back at him, tapping my bag.

“I know, but I want to make sure. Professor Barkley is a pain in the ass. It’s one of the hardest classes. You sure you want to start with that one? I can still get you out of it.”

“I like math, and numbers always came easy to me. I got this, Cam.”

“Leave the girl alone, Cam. She is smarter than both of us, and you know it,” Easton chimes in, throwing his arm around my shoulders. He kisses my forehead before continuing, “Don’t worry, you’ll do great, babe.”

It’s been a few months since the whole Paul thing happened, and my life has changed drastically since then. For the first time since my parents died, I am looking forward to my future, and I’m completely and utterly happy. Which is something I thought I would never be able to say again.

“Go, or you’re gonna be late,” Easton lets go of me and gives me a gentle shove toward the door. “We’ll meet you at the coffee shop by the library after, okay?”

“Okay,” I smile, waving at both of them before heading into my very first class at Blackthorn. As soon as I had mentioned my desire to go to college, the guys signed me up for classes. I told them I couldn’t afford it, of course, like always, money wasn’t an issue to them. I didn’t see one bill for my classes. Cam and Easton took care of everything. All I had to do was pick the classes I wanted to take and bam.

Walking into the classroom, I get a few dirty looks, but I’m used to it by now. Some people still think that I don’t belong here. Every time Easton and Cameron take me out, there are people staring, but I’ve gotten to the point where I genuinely don’t care anymore.

I can handle the looks, especially since I know no one is going to say anything to my face. Not with knowing who I’m with.

The class goes by fast, and I thoroughly enjoy it. I absorb all the information like a dry sponge. Unlike the guys told me, I don’t think this was hard at all. When I walk out, Professor Barkley compliments me on the work I did in class today. I tried my best to interact in the discussions. Excited and downright giddy, I make my way out of the building and head to the coffee shop on the edge of campus. I can’t wait to share how the first class went with them.

I turn the corner to the side alley, and my mood turns from great to, oh, my god, what did I just walk into. No way, can I be seeing this right. Looking straight ahead, I see a girl that’s being cornered by some guy twice her size. His hands are wrapped around her throat, and he is yelling right into her face. It’s like I’m watching a replay of the night Easton and Cameron took me.

“It’s your fault. All your fault, and now you dare come here… to Blackthorn?” He shoves her against the brick, her head bouncing off the hard wall, and all I can do is stand there and watch in horror.

“I didn’t know…” She whimpers her entire body shaking. I want to tell her to fight, to stick up for herself, but my mouth won’t work.

“Shut up,” the guy growls, the deepness of his voice shatters the protective bubble around me, and I force myself out of the trance-like state I’m in. I know that I can’t just stand here and watch this happen. I have to do something.

“Stop!” I scream, finally finding my voice.

Drawing all the attention to me is good, but also scary as hell. Both of them look over at me, shock on the man’s face, and fear on the girl’s and for a split second, I think about just running off to get help instead of putting myself in danger, but that would be a cowardly thing to do, and I’m stronger than that.