“I’m Grayson Sterling, Mr. McKenna. And despite only knowing her for a short time, I’m falling in love with your daughter.”

Something moves through his eyes as he shakes my hand. His grip is firm but not in an egotistical way.

It just is.

“Julianne and I would like to have you and Stella over for dinner, sooner rather than later.”

“I’d like that, too. Thank you.”

Nate releases my hand and steps back, but he doesn’t look away from me.

“I don’t like the age gap.”

“It’s less than ten years.”

“Still don’t like it,” he repeats. “But if you’re what she wants, I’ll stand behind her. She is the best thing that will ever come into your life.”

“Yeah.” I push my hand through my hair and take a deep breath. “I know. Is it crazy that it’s happening so fast?”

“Some of the best things do,” he says. “I’ve seen too many relationships that happen that way and thrive for many years to think it’s crazy. Just be careful.”

I nod, backing away. “Yeah. I will. I would stay and talk, but I’m due in court soon, and I can’t show up looking like this.”

Nate’s eyes fill with humor. “Then you’d better get going. We’ll be in touch about dinner.”

“Looking forward to it.”

I hurry to the elevator, and when I’m on my way up to my floor, I sigh.

I don’t know what I expected in Stella’s dad, but it wasn’t the fierce, steady, badass man I just met in the gym.

Which is silly because I’d use all those words to describe Stella, too.

The morning flies by. After two back-to-back court appearances, I have a three-hour break, so I text Stella.

Me: You busy?

My phone rings less than ten seconds later, and I see Stella’s name on the screen.

“Hey,” I say in greeting.

“Well, hi there. I’m not busy this very second, what’s up?”

“I have a few hours before I have to be back in the office and thought I’d see if you’d like to meet me for lunch.”

“I absolutely would, but I already have a lunch date.”

“What’s his name?”

I hear her chuckle. “His name is Olivia.”

“Oh, good. You’re finally going to talk.”

“Yeah, we need to. I want to clear the air for good. I don’t like fighting with her, you know?”

“I definitely get it. Have a good lunch. Oh, and you’ll probably be hearing from your dad soon.”

“Huh? Why?”

“I ran into him this morning. Nice guy.”

“Gray, my father is a lot of things, but a simple nice guy isn’t usually one of them.”

“I like him. I’ll tell you about it later. Have a good lunch.”

“Damn it, why did I have to pick a fight with Liv? I’d rather hear all about this.”

“Dinner tonight. My place.”

“I’ll be there.”

Chapter 11


“I’m sorry,” we blurt simultaneously and then smile at each other across the table.

This is my best friend. The sister of my heart. And this time with her is exactly what I needed.

“No, I’m sorry,” Liv says, shaking her head as she reaches for my hand, her green eyes filled with concern. “I know I’ve been kind of absent lately. I don’t mean to be. Honest. I’d like to be around more, but life is just crazy. But that’s no excuse! I don’t mean for it to sound like it’s just an excuse.”

“I know what you mean,” I reply with a sigh. “I know it’s a busy time. I feel like I can’t catch my breath these days. Between the huge project I’ve been working on, keeping up with the smaller accounts I also have, and this new thing with Gray, it’s a lot. But it’s absolutely not acceptable for us to not speak, Livie.”

“Agreed,” she says, nodding her head. “I vow to be better about returning calls and texts. And I’m going to make it to our Wednesday dinners, no matter what. But, most of all, if you need me, Stel, all you have to do is say so. I’ll drop whatever I’m doing to give you my undivided attention.”

“I guess you’re not a mind reader, huh?” I ask her with a self-deprecating grin and then laugh when she just shrugs her shoulders. “To be fair, things are happening really fast with Gray. You and I were playing phone tag a bit, and I got caught up in this new, sexy whirlwind with him. Danny only knew first because he knows Gray, and because Gray’s the one handling our quickie divorce. You and I both know that Danny’s important to me, but you’re my bestie. You’re practically my sister.”

“I know that,” she says, waving me off. “And I didn’t mean to sound like such a bitch about Danny. I like him a lot. But I haven’t seen you much, and there suddenly seemed to be all this information I had no clue about that Danny knew. I totally got jealous for a minute.”