“That is an interesting day,” Olivia agrees.

“What about you guys?” I ask. “Liv, how’s Vaughn?”

Liv’s face softens at the mention of her fiancé, the super sexy and super famous Vaughn Barrymore.

“He’s great. He left this morning for a couple of weeks of filming in Vancouver.”

“Oh, that’s close,” Lucy says. “You can go visit.”

“That’s the plan. I’ll be here during the workweek and then drive up there on the weekends. It’ll be fine.”

“What kind of movie is he working on?” I ask and sip my beer. This is the best way to unwind after a long workday. The three of us—and sometimes some of the other cousins—meet up on Wednesdays to help break up the workweek.

I look forward to it, almost more than Fridays.

Especially since I’m a workaholic and work most weekends anyway.

“They’re filming the movie I was doing the costumes for when we met,” Liv replies and tells us about Vaughn’s role.

“And what about wedding news?” Lucy asks her. “Have you set a date? Started planning anything yet?”

“No.” Liv shakes her head. “It’ll probably happen next year, but we’re still getting settled in his house and figuring each other out.”

“That’s a good idea,” I agree. “You’re still learning each other. There’s no rush to get married.”

Liv cocks an eyebrow. “Are you speaking from experience?”

“Haha, smartass. Lucy, what’s new with you? We’ve monopolized the conversation.”

“Your lives are way more interesting than mine,” Lucy replies. “I do get to go out to Uncle Dominic’s vineyard this weekend to meet with Alecia. You know she stepped away from all the wedding and event planning stuff to manage the vineyard and raise Emma.”

“God, I love it out there,” I say with a happy sigh. “It’s just so pretty, you know?”

“Gorgeous,” Liv agrees. “We should do a party out there sometime. Just a big family thing.”

“Well, hold on to that thought,” Lucy says, pointing at Liv with a corn chip. “Because I think I’m going to be the new event coordinator at Cuppa de Vita.”

“What?” Liv and I say together.

“Oh my God, that’s awesome, Luce.” I lean over to high-five my cousin. “I didn’t know that was something you wanted to do.”

“I didn’t either,” she admits. “But I have a bachelor’s degree in business and hospitality, and I want to use it. I love weddings, and Alecia mentioned a while ago that they were looking for someone new out there. So, we started talking about it, and, well, I guess the rest is history. I haven’t been offered the position yet, but I’m excited to go talk to her about it. And any excuse to spend some time at the vineyard is time well spent.”

“Well, now I know who to call when shit starts to get real,” Liv says with an excited smile. “I’ll need all the help I can get, and I was already thinking about getting married at Dom and Alecia’s vineyard. It’s the perfect spot.”

“Cheers to all of this happiness,” I say and hold my glass up to theirs. “This is some of the best news ever.”

“I’ll keep you posted,” Lucy says as she clinks her glass to ours. “How are things going at the house now that Liv moved out and Haley moved in?”

“Pretty good,” I reply with a nod. “We’re going to host a cousins’ night soon. Did you guys know that Uncle Will and Uncle Matt are buying the house next door so they can open up the fence and we can have a sort of cousins compound?”

“I thought I heard something about that,” Liv says. “I think it would be cool. So many of the cousins are getting out of college and don’t want to live at home anymore.”

“Plus, this way, the ‘rents can make sure the security is state of the art and we’re all in one safe place. Isn’t it really just a control thing for them?”

“I don’t think so.” I finish off my beer, thinking it over. “I think it’s a convenience thing. And given who some of our parents are, it’s a safety issue. Uncle Will and Uncle Luke, in particular, are big on that. And Uncle Matt is a freaking cop, so it makes sense.”

“The cousins’ parties will be easier, and we won’t need a designated driver,” Lucy says. “Maybe I can get in on that and live in the new house.”

“But if you’re working at the vineyard, that’s a really long commute every day,” Liv reminds her.

“True. I think I’ll have to get a place closer to Cuppa di Vita.” Lucy shrugs. “I’ll figure it out.”

“What time do you meet with the lawyer tomorrow?” Liv asks me.

“Ten.” I wrinkle my nose. “I have to go visit the old guy right in the middle of my morning. But I’ll make it work.”

“Maybe don’t be late?” Lucy suggests.

“I’m not going to be late,” I promise myself as I hurry away from my parked SUV and rush down the sidewalk toward Brandon’s offices. I had to park a block away because snatching a space in downtown Seattle is almost impossible, and it was too far to walk from my office.