She sits up once more, closes those gorgeous blue eyes, and starts to move, her palms firmly planted on my chest.

My hands grip her hips, my fingertips digging into her flesh as she rides me. Her firm breasts with their tight nipples move just inches from my face, and only a fool would resist taking them into their mouth.

I’m no fucking fool.

“Oh, God, Gray,” she sighs, opens her eyes, and bears down, coming spectacularly. When her quivers subside, I roll her onto her back, pin her hands above her head, and pound into her, unable to go slow or soft. Incapable of making it sweet or gentle.

Her eyes light with excitement as I pound even harder, and when I feel the orgasm move up the base of my spine and through me, she smiles in triumph as I call her name.

Jesus, she’s amazing.

“A massage and incredible sex, all in the same afternoon?” she asks lazily. “Yes, please. Talk about self-care.”

I can’t help but laugh and then kiss her cheek tenderly. “You should be pampered every damn day, Stella.”

“I won’t disagree,” she replies and nips my lower lip. “I almost feel guilty that I haven’t done any work today. Almost.”

“Don’t. I suspect that you put in enough hours to more than make up for a weekday off.”

I roll out of bed, walk to the bathroom to clean myself up, and then wet a washcloth with hot water so I can do the same for my girl.

She lies back and watches me with happy eyes as I press the warm cloth to her, gently caring for her.

“I want you to stay at my parents’ house tonight.” Pleased that she’s comfortable and clean, I toss the cloth and towel I used to dry her onto the floor.

“Are you sure that’s a good idea?”

“My mom insisted on it,” I reply and lie down, pulling her against me. “And she wants to meet you before we leave town. You saw the house, Stella. We have plenty of space.”

“I don’t want to intrude,” she says and brushes her cheek against my chest.

“You’re not. Besides, I want you there.”

“Well, okay, then. I’ll stay.”


Chapter 9


With my morning coffee in hand, I open the sliding door that leads out to the glorious, monstrous deck at Gray’s parents’ house, thinking that I’ll steal a few minutes alone to sit and enjoy the sunshine. Maybe meditate. I’m wrapped in a blanket because, although the sun is out, this is October in the Pacific Northwest, and it’s cold this morning.

But too pretty to resist.

I close the door behind me gingerly and turn to find a seat, almost tripping over where Maya and Sidney are sitting, enjoying their coffees.

“I’m sorry,” I say as I turn back for the door. “I didn’t realize you two were out here. I didn’t mean to interrupt.”

“Sit,” Maya says, gesturing to the seat next to her. “You’re not interrupting anything. We’re just taking advantage of the sunshine.”

“That was my thought, too.” I sit with a grateful smile, tighten the blanket around my shoulders, and take a long, deep breath. “I don’t know how you ever leave this spot.”

For the next ten minutes, no one says anything. We sip coffee and relax, watching the calm lake and the reflection of the evergreen trees and the other homes that hug the shore on the other side.

“Where did you grow up?” Sidney asks me softly.

“Seattle,” I reply. “In a condo, in the middle of the city. My parents own and run an investment firm downtown, and it’s always been easiest for them to have a condo near their office. But they also have a house on the Oregon coast, and we visited there as much as possible over the years. I’ve always preferred something like this to the craziness of the city.”

“Gray lives downtown,” Maya says.

“Actually, his building is right next door to my parents,” I reply with a smile. “In the same complex.”

“Small world,” Sidney adds. “It’s crazy that you’ve never run into him before.”

“Have you ever visited him there?” I ask and sip my coffee. I know that I’m getting a bit of the third degree. And that’s okay. I don’t actually mind.

“A couple of times,” she confirms.

“Then you know how big the buildings are. There are a lot of people there. I’m not sure when he moved in, but I haven’t lived at home since I was eighteen.”

“That makes sense,” Sidney replies with a soft smile. “Sorry, I haven’t had enough coffee yet, and I also haven’t had a chance to properly grill you. Even though I already like you, we’re pretty protective when it comes to Gray.”

“I get it,” I say with a nod. “I have about a dozen cousins who are super protective. And don’t even get me started on all the aunts and uncles. Family protects each other. It’s as it should be.”