“Oh, it’s all in the eyebrow wax—”

“Give me the damn phone.”

There’s a scuffle, the phone is juggled, and then Gray’s handsome face fills the screen once more.

“Sorry about that,” he says and shakes his head as he walks.

“All of the walking is kind of making me seasick,” I confess as I close my eyes. “Let me know when you’re stationary again.”

I hear him chuckle, and a few seconds later, he says, “It’s safe now.”

I crack open one eye, and when I see that he is, indeed, sitting, I open them both and let out a sigh of relief.

“So, the whole family is there?” I ask.

“You met Maya,” he replies, and I can see the weariness in his eyes. It makes me want to wrap my arms around him and hold him close. “She arrived just after I did. She lives in Spokane, so it was a quick drive for her.”

“And your other sister?”

“Sid will be here in the morning,” he replies and rubs his hand through his hair. “She’s a singer in Nashville and couldn’t get a flight until tonight. She’s taking the red-eye.”

“I’m sorry,” I murmur. “If I’d known—”

“Absolutely, not,” he says immediately, shaking his head. “You got me here, and that’s way more than you should have done. Sidney will get here safe and sound.”

“And your mom?” I ask softly. “How is she doing?”

Gray blows out a breath. “She’s uncomfortable and a little scared. But they gave her some good drugs tonight so she can sleep.”

“So she injured both on the same side?”

“Yeah, her left side,” he confirms. “She’s been feeling dizzy lately and fell down the stairs, landed hard on that side. I’m just so glad that Dad was here at the time, so she didn’t lay alone for God knows how long until she got help.”

“That’s definitely a silver lining,” I agree. “I hope she heals quickly.”

“Me, too.” He smiles at me and seems to soak me in. “Twenty-four hours ago looked very different, didn’t it?”

I have visions of us rolling around on his huge bed, laughing and moaning, sighing. It was the best sex of my life.

“A lot can happen in a day,” I agree and send him a wink. “Get some rest, Gray. You need it.”

“Look like shit, do I?”

“I don’t think it’s possible for you to look bad, but I can see that you’re worn out. Go to sleep. Hopefully, I’ll talk to you tomorrow.”

“Okay. Thanks again. I’ll be in touch.”

“Good night.”

I blow him a kiss, and when he clicks off, I bite my lip, unsure what to do. Maya seemed sure that I should go and be with him, at least for a couple of days. And I saw for myself that he looked damn tired—and so sad. I do want to hug him. And reassure him.

Which seems so weird because I’ve only known Gray for a few days.

Yet it feels as though I’ve known him for years.

Maybe I need to talk this out with Liv because I’m tempted to just pack a bag, hop in my car, and drive straight to Idaho.

Despite it being so late, I dial Liv’s number and listen to the phone ring on the other end three times before she picks up.

“Sorry if I woke you,” I say to her.

“You didn’t, I was just in the hot tub and not near the phone. What’s up? Is everything okay?”

“I think so,” I reply. “At least, I’m not calling because anything’s wrong with any of the parents or anything.”


“You know, I miss you. I don’t see you much at all, and I barely talk to you these days.”

“I know.” She sighs on the other end. “We really do need to get together. I’ll see you on Saturday for the cousins’ night.”

“And that’ll be fun, but it’s not the same as when we have time for just the two of us.”

“I know,” she says again. “We’ll make it happen some night next week. I promise.”

“Okay. Listen, I won’t keep you long. I just wanted you to know that I’m going to Idaho to help out a friend.”

I want to tell her everything. God, I miss my best friend so much, but it’s late, and I already know what I want to do.

I want to see Gray.

“Who’s the friend?” she asks, but I hear Vaughn in the background before I can answer her. “I’m sorry, Stel, I have to go. Let’s have dinner this week, and you can tell me everything. When will you be back?”

“I’m not sure. I’ll be gone a couple of days at most. I’ll keep you posted.”

“Okay. Safe travels.” She giggles, and I wrinkle my nose.

“I’d tell you to get a room, but I think you already have. Bye, Liv.”

She laughs some more and then says, “Bye, Stel.”

Yeah, I miss her. I want to tell her everything about Gray and get her advice. I would have told her everything days ago if we still lived together. And I wouldn’t feel like I’m keeping some sort of weird secret from her.