“Grams is the Mrs. Kravitz of the neighborhood,” Willie says as he joins us. “You know, like from Bewitched.”

“I can’t believe you’ve seen that show,” I say to him.

“I watch Nick at Nite. I’ve also seen all of the Friends episodes. You know, the really old stuff.”

“I’m going to wound you,” I reply calmly, making the young man laugh. “What did you get on your English essay?”

“I got a B,” he says with a shrug. “You weren’t here to check my grammar.”

“That’s a load of bull, and you know it,” I reply. “I edited that piece over email while I was at my mother’s hospital bedside.”

Willie snorts, Betty winks at Stella, and Stella hides her laugh behind a fake cough.

“How is your sweet mom?” Betty asks as she starts packing up the ice cream.

“Wait, can I still get a scoop?” Stella asks.

“Oh, of course. Here.” Betty dishes up two scoops of ice cream for Stella and me, and between bites, I help Willie get things cleaned up and folded to put away in a nearby closet until next month.

“So, I did the right thing as soon as Willie told me about you. I googled you,” Betty informs Stella without any sense of apology in her tone. “Because Grayson is very important to us. I want to know who he’s dating.”

“Understandable,” Stella says with a nod as she licks her spoon. “What did you find out? Did you find that sex vid I did in college?”

We all stop and whip our heads around to stare at Stella in shock.

Stella tips her head back and laughs her ass off.

“Oh, the looks on your faces. It’s just priceless.” She snorts and then scoops up another bite of ice cream. “I’m kidding.”

“No, nothing as scandalous as that,” Betty says with a chuckle. “I did discover that you’re an interior designer.”

“That part is true,” Stella confirms.

“Well, that’s just wonderful. I like to think of myself as an artistic person, as well. You will have to come over to our place soon to see what I’ve done with it.”

“That sounds fun,” Stella replies, her voice sincere. “I always love to see how people style their living spaces. Like how Gray…hasn’t.”

“I’m hardly home,” I remind her.

“That’s no excuse,” she replies mildly. “Your home is your sanctuary. And even if it’s simple and clean, it should be inviting and comfortable.”

“Maybe you could give me some pointers.”

Stella’s smile spreads. “Anytime.”

“I have homework,” Willie announces. “So, I have to get upstairs. See you later.”

“And I have a program to watch,” Betty adds. “Come on, you two. You can escort us up.”

Stella and I grin at each other but do as we’re told, joining Betty and Willie in the elevator up to our floor. We say our goodbyes at their door, but I stop Stella before we move on to my condo.

“Are you up for a walk?”

“Like, outside?” she asks.

“Yes. Outside.”

“Sure. I just need a jacket.” She keys in the code to my door, which has me raising a brow. “I’ve only watched you open this door a million times by now.”

“Or, you know, four.”

She grins and walks into my place, tosses the remnants of her ice cream, and grabs her coat.

“It’s raining. Should I take an umbrella?” I ask.

Stella scoffs and shakes her head. “This is Seattle. Only the move-ins from down south use umbrellas.”

“I just wanted to offer in case you were worried about messing up your hair or something.”

“Nah.” She hooks her arm through mine as we return to the elevator. “It’ll dry. I haven’t taken a walk around the city in far too long.”

The doors open, and seeing that we’re alone, I wait for them to close again and then pin her to the corner of the car, then cup her face in my hands and kiss the ever-loving fuck out of her.

She hitches her leg up around my hip and gives back as good as she gets. If she were wearing a skirt, I’d be inside her by now.

But there’s not enough time to get her naked before we make it to the street level.

Stella moans against my mouth and leans in to press her breasts against my chest as if she’s trying to ease an ache.

“Soon,” I whisper against her lips as I feel the elevator begin to slow. “Very soon.”

Just before the doors open, I step back from her and take her hand. Stella wipes her finger down the side of her mouth, and we walk through the lobby and out the front doors into the cool Seattle evening.

“I can smell the rain,” she says after taking a long, deep breath. “There’s nothing like it anywhere else.”

“You must be used to the rain after living here your whole life.”

“I suppose,” she agrees. “It’s never really bothered me, honestly. I mean, sure, by the time spring comes around, I’m ready for some sunshine, but I don’t mind the dark days. Does northern Idaho get much sun?”