Even if it’s only for today.

Because starting tomorrow, this will be a massive shit show.

This project consumed me for months. Like Liv said, it’s my very best work, and I was excited to showcase it in my portfolio.

And now, all of that work is in the dumpster. And if I don’t make it right, it could mean the end of my career.

I screech to a halt in my driveway, then hurry inside and up the stairs to my bedroom. I can’t get my suit off fast enough. When I’m naked, I climb into a steaming hot shower and let myself cry with anger and disappointment.

Once I’ve washed my hair, I dry off and throw on a simple tank and some yoga shorts, pin my wet hair on the top of my head, and climb into bed.

I didn’t realize that it was possible to grieve over something like this, but that’s exactly what it feels like I’m doing. Between crying jags, I fall asleep, only to wake up and remember the humiliation of this afternoon and cry again.

I don’t remember the last time I cried so damn much.

I turn onto my back and feel that I’m no longer alone in the room. It’s probably one of the cousins looking in on me.

“Go away.”

“Not a chance.”

I push the covers off my face and stare up at Gray.

“What are you doing here?”

“You stopped answering my texts. Baby, what’s wrong?”

I shake my head and pull the covers back up.

“Just go away, Gray.”

“No, I absolutely will not go away. Talk to me. Are you hurt?”

Only in my heart. Only in my self-worth and confidence. I’m only questioning all my life choices—and I don’t even care if that sounds dramatic.

“No, it was just a shitty day, and I want to be alone.”

Gray rests his hand on my shoulder, and I want to shake him off. Push him away.

“What can I do?”

“You can go,” I reply sternly and pull the covers down to glare at him. “That’s literally all I want. I don’t want to hurt you, but I don’t want you here right now, Grayson.”

“Okay.” He holds up his hands in surrender before leaning over to press his lips to my forehead. “Okay. I’ll go. But please call me if you change your mind.”

I just nod and turn away from him. When the door closes behind him, the tears come again. I don’t want to admit to Gray that I’m a complete failure at the biggest opportunity of my life. How freaking embarrassing. How humiliating.

I just can’t do it today.

I unearth myself long enough to grab the box of tissues from my nightstand and wipe my face. But then my door opens once more.

“Please don’t make me hurt your feelings,” I say, but when I look over, it’s Livie in the doorway. “You’re not Gray.”


She strips down to her bra and panties and slips into the bed with me, under the covers, the way we’ve always done when life is shitty and we need to escape.

“How did you know?” I whisper.

“Gray called me. He said you needed someone, but he wasn’t that someone today.”

That brings more tears.

“God, I really love that guy,” I say and swipe at the tears on my face.

“I think I fell a little in love with him, too.” Liv pulls me close and sighs. “She didn’t like it?”

“Not even a little. There were threats and a whole bunch of other bad things, and I don’t know for sure how I’m going to make it right. So, for now, I’m hiding.”

“Well, first of all, she’s dumb.” Liv brushes some wet hair that got loose off my face. “I saw the pictures. That was a stunning design, and if she doesn’t like it, it’s because there’s something wrong with her, not you.”

“Doesn’t matter. The client is always right.”

“Oh, bullshit. Sometimes, people are assholes.”

“You get very sweary when you’re mad. Just like your dad.”

“Hell, yes, I do. Also, when Gray called and told me to get over here, he asked what he could do, and I told him to send pizza and ice cream.”

My eyes widen with hope.

“So, that should be here soon. But he’s not coming back tonight. I told him I’d handle it. You do need to call him tomorrow, though.”

“I will. I’m just so embarrassed. I don’t want to admit to him that I fucked it all up, you know? We’re still in the impress-each-other phase.”

“Honey, based on the concern and care I witnessed today, I’d say you’re far past that stage. He doesn’t give a shit about anything except making sure you’re safe and okay. Which is really, really sexy, by the way.”

“Yeah.” I sigh and close my eyes. “He’s one of the good guys. But I’m glad you’re here. How long can you hang? Long enough to eat pizza and ice cream?”