“Okey dokey.” I put down the bottle in my hand. “No drinkin’ it is.”

Ina chuckled. “Dante, just because I don’t drink doesn’t mean you don’t have to.”

“I know.” I reached out and tucked a tendril of her hair behind her ear. “But I want ye to be comfortable.”

“Ina, ye made it!”

Aideen muscled me out of her way and gave Ina a big ole squeeze. Locke, who was in Aideen’s arms, surprised me when he held his arms out to Ina. She seemed surprised too as she took my nephew into her arms.

“Hello, handsome boy.”

Locke played with the low-cut trim of her T-shirt, and I had never envied a baby more in my life for such a simple action.

“He likes ye,” Aideen beamed. “He hardly ever wants to leave me arms.”

Ina cuddled Locke. “He’s precious.”

Locke looked at me without blinking as he rested his head on Ina’s chest. Something in his grey eyes set me on edge, and it hit me like a train. The kid knew that I was into Ina, and he was rubbing it in my face by rubbing on her like the little shite he was. I glared at him, and he gave me a gummy grin in response that made me want to both scowl and laugh at him.

Ina moved across the room to talk to my sister and the other women who surrounded her. Alannah and Branna introduced themselves with a hug. It pleased me that everyone was being so nice to her. I knew that I was the closest person to her in her life now that she was on her own without her family, and I wanted her circle of friends to expand. She deserved to have a bunch of people care about her.

“I have some serious competition,” I grumbled to Ryder as I retook my seat next to him. “With a baby, it would seem.”

Ryder looked at Locke snuggling Ina and laughed when the kid openly palmed her breast. “Don’t tell me you’re jealous of your own nephew?”

“Ye wouldn’t believe how much,” I huffed. “Look at him, touchin’ her tits and smilin’. The little fucker.”

Ryder’s laughter gained the women’s attention, and they all beamed his way. Ina’s eyes moved to mine, and her smile widened when I winked at her. I loved seeing her smile. Every single time she did, I felt like I was being rewarded when those little dimples popped out. I watched as she carefully handed Locke back to my sister and made her way towards me. She waved at Damien, which pinched at my chest, but I shook it off once she sat down next to me.

She leaned forward and signed hello to Ryder. Wordlessly, he returned the sign with a smile. All of us could sign hello, goodbye, and thank you. I knew some minor phrases, but learning sign language was a process.

“You were badass on the course today,” Ryder said.

“Thanks.” Ina blushed prettily. “Your twins are so cute. One of them kissed me lips by mistake when he tried to kiss me cheek.”

Two babies had gotten further with Ina than I had? This was fucking embarrassing.

“Trust me, that wasn’t a mistake,” I scoffed. “Slaters don’t make mistakes like that, even the little ones. They come out of the womb as ladykillers.”

Ryder laughed. “He’s right, y’know?”

Ina waved her hand as she giggled. We chatted for a few moments before Ryder got up to help his wife when his sons began to fuss. I turned my focus on Ina as she relaxed next to me and glanced around the room.

“It’s different than what I thought it would be.”

“What is?”

“The party.”

I snorted. “This is more of a family get-together. This isn’t like a regular gaf party.”

“I wouldn’t know,” Ina said. “I’ve never been to any kind of party before.”

I lost my smile. “You’re serious?”

“Dead serious.” She nodded. “I’ve never even had a birthday party. Daddy never allowed it, so Granda brought me out instead.”

What type of prick was her father? I wanted to ask her personal questions, to learn about her past to connect with her better, but I could tell from the look on her face that she didn’t want to talk about it.

“Well,” I said, “this is as tame as a party can get for us with the kids being here and all.”

“I like it.” She smiled warmly. “Your family is lovely, and so are the Slaters. Everyone has made me feel very welcome.”

“Ye are welcome.”

She looked at me. “I know. I’m part of your group now. We’re all friends.”

“Wanna know a secret?”

She straightened. “Always.”

“You’re me best friend.”

Ina’s lips parted with unmasked surprise. “Harley’s your best friend. You’re with him more than anyone.”

“He’s me brother, so by default, they’re all me best friends. But you are me real best friend.”

Ina stared at me for a moment before she leaned in and hugged me. “You’re me best friend too,” she murmured. “I really care about you, Dante. You’re me favourite person.”