It’s fine, I signed back.

Dante furrowed his brow. “Do that slower.”

I chuckled and repeated my sign slowly.

“Nope, not a clue.”

“I said it’s fine.”

“It’s not fine.” He sighed. “That’s twice I’ve fought someone in front of you. I swear this isn’t a common occurrence for me.”

I said nothing. Dante was silent as I gathered the supplies I needed. I frowned at the bruise already forming around his nose. “You’re too handsome to have bruises on your face.”

Dante locked eyes with mine. “Ye think I’m handsome?”

I rolled my eyes at the absurdness of the question.

“I imagine everyone does. I also imagine they all think you’re a dumbarse for fightin’ for no good reason.”

“There’s always a good reason to box the ears off that stupid-lookin’ dope.”

I sighed. “Are ye gonna tell me what your and Damien’s issues are? Ye both drew blood, so it’s not a simple ‘I don’t like him’ vibe I’m gettin’.”

While I cleaned Dante up, he talked. He waited until I was looking at him before he spoke.

“We’ve known each other a few years, and believe it or not, we fought the first time we met.”

“Trust me,” I glowered. “I believe it.”

Dante’s lips twitched. “We just don’t like each other, specs. Sometimes, it gets physical, but that isn’t often.”

He said that so casually.

“I don’t like fightin’,” I said firmly. “I really don’t.”

The noise of someone being punched was somewhat triggering for me. I knew I couldn’t hear the sounds Damien and Dante made when they fought, but my mind remembered well what it sounded like. When I saw the lads fight, it was like those horrible sounds echoed in my head.

“I know,” Dante said. “I’ll ... I’ll keep it together. Promise.”

I tidied up the items I used when I was finished.

“Why’d ye hit him, though?” I quizzed. “Is it ’cause he was teasin’ me? Because I’m sure he was only jokin’ when he called me a pretty librarian.”

Dante’s blue eyes flashed. “I don’t want him to give ye a hard time. I know how shy ye are.”

My heart thudded against my chest. “I know I’m shy, but I’m a big girl, Dante. I can take care of meself.”

“I know that,” he said, his face softening. “I just want to take care of you, too. You’re my girl, remember?”

They were such simple words, but Dante meant every single one. I knew he did. I practically melted into a puddle because of it.

“You’re allowed to take care of me, just like I’m takin’ care if you now,” I said. “It’s what friends do, but please, keep your promise.”

Dante nodded. He got to his feet as JJ entered the room. Dante left to get back to work, allowing me to exhale a deep breath. I was confused about him. He was my first ever friend, but I liked him when I shouldn’t have because he was off-limits. This friendship would be a new kind of fresh hell for me. I knew it was.

I looked at JJ as he made himself a cup of tea.

“He promised not to fight Damien again.”

JJ smiled. “Did he now?”

I nodded.

“He’ll try to keep that promise, but honey,” JJ said, “don’t be surprised when he breaks it. Date and Damien ... they’ve some bad blood between them.”

What bad blood? What could have happened to make them hate one another so much? I wanted to ask, but I didn’t have the courage to do so.

“What you’re sayin’ is, I’m gonna be patchin’ up mechanics more often than not in here.”

“Most likely.”


I sat down in a huff as JJ chuckled and said, “Aren’t ye glad ye work here, darlin’?”



* * *

Present day ...

* * *

“Dante.” Ina placed her hand on my chest, gaining my attention. “It was an accident. I dived when Damien shot at me. He didn’t aim for the non-padded parts of me suit.”

I looked from the Slater arsehole to Ina, and I relaxed. Her green eyes shone as she looked up at me, and I didn’t miss the glimmer of fear in them. She didn’t want me to fight with Damien. I knew that. She hated fighting, and I made her a promise that I wouldn’t do that anymore, and I was doing my best to keep it.

“Okay. Are ye sure you’re okay, though?”

“I’m fine.” She dropped her hand. “Perfectly perfect.”

I missed her gentle touch instantly.

“Good.” I looked up at Damien. “Smackin’ your team’s arse on the course is satisfaction enough for me, blondie.”

When Damien rolled his eyes, I could tell my win pissed him off, and that pleased me greatly.

“Date’s comin’ through with big dick energy after that win,” Bronagh teased.

“We don’t say big dick energy in this family.” I grinned. “We say fat dick spirit.”

Everyone laughed, including Ina, whose cheeks flushed a pretty pink. Christ. She was so gorgeous and so shy. She had no idea how much I wanted to grab her and kiss her senseless, and she never would. She was my friend, and I cherished that friendship with her. My attraction to her was not worth ruining the bond I had growing with her. I cared about her a great deal, and if I was being honest with myself, simply seeing her was the best part of my day.