“Ye were killer out there, country.”

I flushed with his praise. “It wasn’t on purpose. I shot in a blind panic each time.”

He chuckled as I removed the paintball gear from over my clothes and put them in the clothing bins provided. After I hung up my marker, gloves, and mask, I went to the bathroom, and Bronagh joined me while Nico watched their kids.

“Would ye mind terribly checkin’ if I’m cut from where I was hit earlier?” I questioned Bronagh with a burning face. “I’m so embarrassed to ask this, but it hurts like hell.”

“Of course, babe.”

I sucked it up and shimmied my bottoms down and turned. Bronagh hunkered down behind me. “Oh, this looks so painful!” She winced. “It broke the skin, and there is already a big blue bruise. There’s a welt or two as well. Looks like two or three paintballs got ye.”

I was glad it looked as sore as Bronagh said because now I knew I wasn’t exaggerating how much it hurt.

“Is it bleedin’?”

“Yeah,” she answered. “Nothin’ to be concerned about, but that cut is gonna scab, and it might scar.”

I pulled my jeans back up and turned. “Thanks, Bronagh. I appreciate it.”

“Any time.” She straightened. “Whenever ye need your arse looked at, give me a call.”

We laughed. Bronagh left the bathroom as I washed my hands. When I went to join her, I was surprised to find Dante right outside the bathroom door. He looked concerned.

“Bronagh said ye were hurt.”

I waved my hand. “A couple of Damien’s paintballs hit my skin and broke it. I’ve a small cut, a couple of welts, and a bruise. Nothin’ to fuss over.”

Dante’s sky blues narrowed as he glared at Damien Slater, and I was instantly thrust back into the memory of when I first met the white-haired Slater twin.



* * *

Three weeks ago ...

* * *

Working without my hearing aids was rubbish. I hated it so much that I couldn’t even explain it. I could lip-read incredibly well, but making sure I focused on someone entirely when they spoke to me was exhausting. If I turned my head and missed a single mouth movement, I had to ask them to repeat what they had said.

It sounded harmless enough, but doing it twenty times or more an hour wore me out. My co-workers were being so wonderful about it, though. They went out of their way to speak slowly and clearly for me and always waited until I looked at them before they spoke. Little things like that made me appreciate the group of men I worked with more and more. Though they were all huge, burly men, they were sweeties deep down, and they knew it.

Looking up when movement caught my eye, I expected it to be a customer, but it was Nico Slater, Ryder’s younger brother. I had met him briefly when Dante battered a man who tried to run out on paying his invoice. That was a week ago, and since then, he had dyed his hair platinum blond.

It really suited him. He looked like a tall, muscular fairy that came from Tír Na NÓg.

“Hi, Nico.” I smiled, signing hello. “Ye dyed your hair. I love it.”

Nico grinned, returned the sign slowly, then said, “Wrong brother.”

“I beg your pardon?”

“Wrong brother,” he repeated. “I’m not Dominic. I’m Damien. Damien Slater.” He reached my desk and held out his hand. “You must be Ina. Ryder told me about you.”

“Oh, Damien! Hi!” I happily shook his hand. “I had no idea you and Nico were twins. I’m so embarrassed.”

“Don’t be. It happens all the time, trust me.”

I exhaled a breath. “Well, it’s lovely to meet ye. Ryder said ye were due back to work last Wednesday, but ye took some time off because your partner was ill. I hope she’s doin’ better now?”

“She is.” Damien smiled. “Thanks.”

We spoke some pleasantries before Damien clocked in and headed onto the garage floor. Ryder was already in the hangar, and so was Dante. Dante was leaning against his door when I left my apartment at half eight. He grinned, wiggled his keys at me, and told me he’d bring me to work. I happily accepted his offer.

We had gotten here early, so he opened. Ryder followed not long later, then Damien a few minutes after him. When the other brothers showed up, all of the shutters on the bays were raised, and we were in business. The day was set to be a busy one. Ten cars were to be fully serviced, seven needed new tyres, two needed pre-NCT checks, and fifteen others needed minor repairs. Collins Auto Repair had four fully qualified mechanics and two apprentices. One of the Collins brothers normally had a Slater shadowing them to learn, but both of them were so talented and on the ball that they had logs of their own now. Every day, each man had a full log from opening until closing, and somewhere in all of the chaos, they took turns driving the truck whenever we got a call for roadside rescue.