The paintball course we were at turned out to be on a massive field with stacks of hay bales, tin barrels, wooden walls, and huge scarecrows everywhere that people used for cover as teams aimed to beat one another during a paintball death match. The course looked so fun. At its centre was a small castle called the keep. Each team’s objective was to reach the keep, hold control of it, and raise their team’s flag in order to win. If you were shot and the paintball broke, you were out until the next round.

I was determined not to be shot … or at least not right away.

“This is a man’s size small,” I explained to Dante. “The woman’s large wouldn’t go up over me thighs, never mind me hips. I look like a dope.”

I had to roll the sleeves and legs up and tie them with bobbins that Bronagh luckily had around her wrist.

“Cute,” Dante insisted.

I playfully growled. “You’re lucky that friendly fire is forbidden in this game.”

His blue eyes sparkled with amusement.

“Were ye listenin’ durin’ the safety check and rule talk?”

“Yep,” I answered. “I’m ready. I picked pink paintballs as me ammo of death. The man filled me hopper to the brim with them. Everyone should fear me. I’m about to make it look like a baby girl’s gender reveal party up in here.”

Ryder, who was next to us, snorted.

“Okay,” Alec announced. “It’s time to team up. It’s gonna be Slaters versus you pussies … and Ina.”

“Hold up,” Gavin shouted, gaining everyone’s attention. “You’re all married. We don’t have women on standby to help us like that, so we should get to have Aideen back.”

“Nuh-uh.” Kane stepped forward. “She’s mine.”

“Oh, fanny flutters.”

Dante heard Aideen’s not-so-quiet whisper and scowled, making her cover her mouth so she didn’t laugh. I had met Aideen a week after I started working at the garage, and I instantly liked her. She knew how to handle her brothers well, and it was plain as day that they all adored her and her beautiful sons.

“She’s still a Collins. We claimed her first, so back the fuck off, Hulk.”

Gavin said all this from behind JJ’s back, which everyone found amusing.

“Bro, she’s a Slater now. My Slater. She’s also not playing. She’s watching from the spectators’ point with my boys. Same goes for Keela and Bronagh with the other babies.”

“Now wait just a minute.” Bronagh got to her feet whilst holding both of her kids. “I wanna play a round, too. I’m good at paintball. I made all those English kids cry when we came here last year. Remember that, Dominic? Don’t look at me like that, fuckface. I’m really good, and I’ll make a great helper. I could help whatever team I’m on. I’ll shoot everyone … in the face!”

Nico did that thing I’ve read about in books where a man sweet-talked his missus and convinced her what she thought was a good idea wasn’t really a good idea. He used his kids as leverage. I watched as he placed his hand on his son’s head as he slept on his mother’s chest in his carrier. He kissed his daughter on the forehead, making her giggle. He touched Bronagh’s cheeks and lips with his thumb, and the woman just about melted. I did, too.

“Fine,” Bronagh relented. “I won’t play with all of you, but me and the girls want a shot when your rounds are up. When you’re finished, we’re havin’ a go while you lot watch the kids.”

Nico grinned. “Deal, baby.”

When Bronagh took her kids, along with Aideen, Keela, and their babies, and headed up to the spectators’ point, everyone else got down to business and focused on the game. Dante whistled, gaining everyone’s attention.

“Let’s just split up into even teams,” he suggested. “Mix it up, brothers against brothers, friends against friends.”

I looked up at Dante. “Can I be on your team?”

“Yep.” He winked.

That made me happy enough to agree to his terms. Dante was our team’s leader, and Damien was the other team’s leader. Kane, Alec, and JJ joined Dante’s and my team. Nico, Ryder, Gavin, and Harley joined Damien’s. The men all jeered one another, which amused me greatly as we began to separate into our five-a-side teams.

“Date is vulnerable.” I heard Harley say to Damien. “He’ll look out for Ina. The others will too.”

I moved over to my team’s huddle and passed the information on to the lads.

“Don’t protect me. They’re expectin’ that. I can be the bait. If they all gun for me thinkin’ it’ll draw you four out to protect me, it’ll give you some time to pick them off one by one until Dante gets our flag to the keep.” I shifted when all the men stared at me. “What?”

“Nothin’,” JJ answered. “Just never heard ye talk so much without a cuppa in your hand.”