“Give me his name and address,” he said, his voice deep. “I’ll deal with him.”

Now I knew where Aideen got that scary edge from.

“No need, the man isn’t a man. He’s a piss-poor excuse for one. He just wanted her inheritance from her father’s land and business. It was never about Ina for him, just what he could get out of her. He has another woman who’s pregnant for him. He’ll be pissin’ blood for a month away after what I did to him. Another hidin’ would kill him.”

“I’m not sure that’d be a bad thing, but I understand. I’ll call my doc to come see Ina. He’s the best and discreet. I’ll take care of everything.”

I stood and held out my hand. “Thanks, man.”

Kane shook my hand firmly. “We’re family,” he said.

He left the room to phone his private doctor. Aideen was in my bedroom with Ina, so I stayed in the kitchen with my brothers. It was quiet, and a few moments passed by when I suddenly had the urge to be sick. I jumped to my feet and made it to the sink just in time to vomit. I felt a hand pat my back as I turned on the tap and rinsed my mouth out with water.

“He almost killed her.” I shook. “Jesus Christ, he almost killed her.”

I turned around and leaned forward, placing my hands on my knees. It suddenly hit me what had happened, what almost happened to the love of my life in front of my eyes. I had never felt a fear like it before. I kept replaying over and over in my head what might have happened if JJ pulled up to the patch of dirt a few minutes later than he did.

“We got there in time, and ye battered that prick’s body in a way that he won’t ever think of Ina again without wincin’,” Harley said.

I straightened when my father got up and moved in front of me. He put his hands on my shoulders and looked me in the eye. “Don’t give that scum power over you. Don’t let him make ye think of what might have happened. Don’t, son.”

I nodded. “I won’t, I swear, it’s just … she’s everythin’ to me.”

“I know.” Da smiled. “She’s your person. That’s how I know everythin’ is goin’ to work out in the end. You’ll see.”

* * *

“Date, are ye listenin’ to me?”

I jolted out of the memory, opened my eyes, and looked at my brother.


“We’re home.”

Wordlessly, we got out of his car and entered our building. I parted ways with my brother and ended up outside of Ina’s and my apartment faster than I would have liked. My stomach was a mess of knots, and I had a horrible pain in my chest. The anxiety of the coming conversation was killing me.

I entered my apartment, removed my shoes, and followed the sound of soft singing. It brought me to my bedroom. I leaned my shoulder against the door panel and watched my woman as she straightened the duvet of our bed. Her hearing aids weren’t in, so she had no idea I was there. When she looked up, she jumped a little when she saw me.

Hi, beautiful, I signed. Missed you today.

Ina hadn’t been back to work yet. When I wasn’t on shift, I spent most of my time with her, and all we did was practice sign language. I was getting really good at it. My hand movements were more fluid and less clumsy.

I missed you too, Dante, Ina signed. How was the gym?

Watching her sign my name sign made my heart jump because I knew it meant ‘safe’. Did she still feel like I was her safe space, her safe sound? Christ, I hoped so.

Don’t know, I answered. I spent most of the time wondering what you wanted to talk to me about.

Ina swallowed. I already boiled the kettle. Let’s go into the kitchen.

Fuck. She made tea. This was going to be bad.

I waited as she grabbed her hearing aids and put them into her ears. When we entered the kitchen, I sat down while she made two cups of tea.

“Me solicitor phoned today,” she said as she carried two cups of steaming liquid to the table. “Everythin’ is goin’ smoothly with the sellin’ of Daddy’s, I mean my property and business. He reckons there will be a biddin’ war for the land and business because of how much revenue they make.”

I whistled. “You’re gonna be a rich woman.”

Ina shrugged. “I already inherited his wealth. Even after the inheritance tax was deducted, it’s more than enough for us to live on for ten lifetimes.”

My heart jumped. “D’ye want to have ten lifetimes with me, Ina? Because I’d be grateful for just one with you.”

Ina gasped. “Really?”

I frowned. “What d’ye mean ‘really’?”