I was in disbelief.

“He knew her code? How?”

“Unsure. He came into the building and went straight up to your floor, so he knew the code prior.”


“Yeah, the only good news I have for you is that when the guy and Ina left her apartment, she was conscious. He’s holding her arm, and she walks out of the building with him and gets into a parked car with a fake licence plate. I already ran it.”

I felt like I couldn’t breathe.

“Does she look hurt, Kane?” He hesitated, so I said, “Kane, please.”

“Her face was a little discoloured. I couldn’t tell how bad because she was looking down, and the camera didn’t get much of her features, but it looks like he beat her.”

Fury and fear mixed into one.

“This is my fault. He threatened her over email, then everythin’ with Gavin happened, and I just forgot about it. How the fuck could I just forget that some man wanted me missus?”

JJ got right in my face. “Don’t do that. Ye can’t control what other people do, so don’t put blame that belongs on someone else’s shoulders onto yours.”

Christ, it was hard not to do exactly that.

“I’m goin’ to Carlow. I’m goin’ to get her back.”

“We’re comin’ too,” Harley declared. “Ina is our sister. The three of us are comin’ with ye.”

“We have to wait for Da,” Gavin added. “He’ll kill us if we don’t. I know he’s blamin’ himself for not protectin’ Ina. He has to be there when we get her back.”

JJ and Harley nodded in agreement.

“Don’t tell Aideen, Kane,” JJ said to Kane, who was still on the phone. “She’ll want to come with us. Ye know she will.”

“Don’t worry,” Kane grumbled. “I won’t say a word until you’re all back. We’ll deal with her then.”

Christ, I almost looked forward to that because it meant my girl would be home safe and sound.

“What’ll we do about her ex? He fuckin’ kidnapped her and threatened to kill her if we phoned the guards? We need a plan.”

“I have one.” My teeth clenched together. “I’m gonna kill him.”



* * *

Hundreds of women have fucked my boyfriend.

Don’t think about it.

I tried so hard to force unwelcome images of women of all ethnicities, ages, shapes, and sizes loving on the man I loved more than life itself. It made me feel physically sick. I had to take deep breaths in and out to bat away the feeling of nausea that was determined to overwhelm me. My chest ached as if something was crushing down on top of it.

“You okay over there, pet?”

Mr Collins had slid into the driver’s side of his car and buckled his seat belt.

“I want to say yes, but no, I’m not,” I admitted, wrapping my arms around my waist. “I can’t believe I just had a meltdown like that in front of everyone. Sir, I am so sorry, I will never ever do anythin’—”

“Ina, don’t apologise for bein’ human.”

I looked forward and wiped away the tears that fell from my eyes.

“Talk to me.” He started the ignition and pulled out of the garage’s car park. “Don’t bottle it up, talk.”

Sniffling, I said, “I feel sick that he’s been with so many women, but how can I be angry with him? I don’t have the right. He didn’t even know me then. I know that, but I’m still so mad about it.”

The anger I felt was an emotion that I didn’t experience a whole lot, but my overwhelming hurt over the situation fuelled it.

“I’d say you’re angrier at the fact that ye weren’t aware of it. If ye knew Date was a slut, God forgive me but he was a slut, ahead of time then ye would have gone into your relationship with the understandin’ of why his name is truly Date, and it wouldn’t have been such of a shock to learn what ye did today.”

I considered that and agreed with him. My own naïvety as to what a high body count was fucked me over. When I first started on at the garage and I learned that Dante’s nickname was given to him because he was a ladies’ man, I found it amusing. I mean, women had flocked to the garage with nothing wrong with their vehicles more times than I could count. Of course, many of the women stopped by for the other mechanics, but primarily, Dante was asked for above them all. I thought it was funny at first, but now I realised that those women were probably one-night stands of Dante’s and were eager for a second round of mattress dancing with him. Never did I imagine that he had fucked hundreds of women though, I just didn’t think that kind of number was possible for anyone.

I really am fucking naïve.

“The thing with Alannah”—Mr Collins glanced at me—“that is somethin’ he should have been crystal clear about, the feckin’ eejit.”