Harley was, most definitely, a breast man. For me, it was all about a woman’s arse and thighs.

“What the fuck were ye doin’ at Alec’s shelter?”

Alec Slater was one of the loudest but funniest men I had ever met. He was the kind of person who was so unique, I knew I’d never meet anyone else like him in my lifetime. He was the complete opposite of my brother-in-law. Where Kane was quiet and reserved, Alec was loud and proud. He was a good man who married Aideen’s best friend, Keela Slater, formally Daley. He managed an animal shelter at the base of the mountains.

“I found an abandoned box of kittens, phoned Alec, and he told me to bring them over.” Harley grinned. “Ye should’ve seen how the women reacted to me. And I mean all of the women—old, young, thin, big-boned, pretty, and average. I was like a fuckin’ fanny magnet.”

His description made me roll my eyes.

“Ye literally can’t call any woman fat or ugly, can ye?”



“’Cause it’d hurt their feelings, arsehole. I’m not a prick.”

“If ye say so.”

He snorted and stuck his finger up at me.

“Have fun with big tits.”

“I intend to, little brother.” He bumped his fist with mine. “Have to end the week with a healthy bang.”

I chuckled and got back to work. I spent the next two hours working through my log when JJ called my name from the doorway into reception. I lifted my head.


“Lilly’s here.”

Harley laughed from my right while I beamed.

Lilly Doherty was a sixty-five-year-old woman who lived five minutes away from the garage and stopped by every two or three weeks. She claimed something was wrong with her car every time she showed up. Nothing was ever wrong with it. She just wanted to talk and flirt with the mechanics. We adored the woman and humoured her by checking her car for damages while sweet-talking her.

We had two rules to follow with her. The first was that no one was allowed to call her Mrs. Doherty. Otherwise, she’d pluck our balls like grapes. The second was that we had to remember she was only playfully flirting with us when she came around, and we weren’t to go and fall in love with her.

Our days were never boring when Lilly was in the garage.

“She’s askin’ for you today, Date, so go on.” Harley wiggled his fingers at me. “Go and have a chat with the little devil.”

I motioned with my hand that he was a wanker as I removed my gloves and binned them. I left the hangar and entered the reception moments later.

“Where’s me favourite girl?”

“I’m here, Date!” Lilly clapped her hands together from the waiting area as she stood to her full height of Hobbit. The woman capped off at four foot ten inches. At six foot two, I dwarfed her. “If I didn’t know any better, I’d say ye’ve gotten more handsome since I last clapped eyes on ye.”

“Ye must not know any better, then, Lil,” Gavin said as he walked from the hallway to the reception. “He’s gotten uglier. I’m the best-lookin’ Collins.”

“Best-lookin’ Collins, me arse.” Lilly clicked her tongue. “Have your balls dropped yet, boyo?”

I erupted into laughter.

“I’ve got me a baby boy on the way, Lil.” My brother winked. “I’d say me balls are dropped and hangin’ just fine.”

“Oh, yeah?” Lilly lowered her thick-framed glasses to the end of her nose with one finger. “Prove it.”

I laughed again as Gavin ran from the reception into the hangar, making Lilly cackle. I crossed the space, bent down low, and hugged her. I chuckled when her hand found its way to my behind, and she gave it a pinch.

“Now, Lil.” I grinned down at her as I pulled back and stood up straight. “Don’t be goin’ and givin’ me false hope.”

“Sorry, sorry.” She held up her hands. “I forget the attraction ye young lads have with me.”

“Ye’d do well to remember.” I playfully warned. “If ye broke me heart, I’d never recover.”

“Ye wouldn’t,” she agreed. “I’m too much woman. I’d ruin ye for any other young one.”

She was a one-woman show, that was for sure.

I smiled wide. “Is your car givin’ ye problems?”

“Yep.” She nodded. “The gear stick doesn’t shift properly anymore.”

“Give me your keys, and I’ll bring it into bay three.”

She handed them to me and followed me outside. I kept my pace slow so she could keep up with me easily, but I stayed out of reach of her black walking cane. She had to use it since she got a double hip replacement a couple of years ago that she swore was from having too much wild sex. I kept an eye on the cane. If the woman thought I was thinking her old and weak, she’d whack me with it. She had done so before, and I quickly learned my lesson.