JJ and I looked at Kane, who was trying his hardest not to smile.

“It was an accident, baby doll. I’ve told you that,” he soothed. “Don’t stress about it. I’m fine. Perfectly perfect.”

My sister cried harder when Jax called out for her from our father’s office, where our da had him and his brother in their travel playpen that we kept on-site for when the boys were here. Without a second thought, I stepped forward to gather Aideen up in my arms and held her while she wept. It gutted me when she cried. It was one of the few things in this world that undid me. My sister was the light of my life, and seeing her so out of sorts was harrowing for me.

“Here, listen. How about I take Jax and Locke tonight so you and Kane can have a chilled date night?” I offered with a teasing grin when I looked down at her. “Think of all the sleep—or ridin’—ye can do when they aren’t there.”

“Yes,” Kane blurted. “Think of it, baby doll.”

JJ laughed and punched him in the shoulder. My sister looked up at me with her big teary blue eyes. “Ye don’t mind lookin’ after them?” she quizzed. “It’s a Friday.”

“A night in with me nephews beats the local and sex with a pub crawler.” I winked. “Besides, I’ll just pull double duty tomorrow night.”

That made everyone chuckle, even my sister.

“Thanks, Dante,” she said and gave me a tight squeeze. “I appreciate it, honey.”

She never called me Date, and while I wore the nickname with pride, I liked that she didn’t use it. Dante sounded better when it came from her. It didn’t make me sound like the man, just her big brother instead.

“Pump more milk for Locke in case he is extra hungry,” I said.

Locke was always hungry.

“I will.” Aideen nodded. “I’ll feed them both before I drop them off at your apartment. What time should I bring them down at?”

“I finish a little later tonight because I was late clockin’ in this mornin’. I should be home around eight. I have to fit in an hour session at the gym so I don’t fuck with me routine. Give me a buzz to make sure I’m in first.”

“Okay, I’ll make ye dinner. Somethin’ filled with protein so ye don’t have to cook.”

I tugged on her hair. “Always takin’ care of me.”

Aideen tried to smile but she sniffled, and her husband frowned.

“Are ye sure you’re not pregnant again?” I pressed. “Ye never cry this much unless you’re up the duff.”

“I’m not.” She wiped away her fallen tears. “We’re waitin’ a little while before we try again. We want to enjoy Jax and Locke before we have more. Besides, we’re run off our feet with just the two of them. Being pregnant would just be too much right now.”

Kane nodded in agreement.

I hugged my sister one more time. JJ cuddled her too, then we watched as she returned to the reception. She gathered her sons from the office and left with her husband when one of his brothers stopped by to pick the four of them up. I checked in with my aul fella, got a bollocking for being late, then I scanned my log for the day and got to work. I started with Kane and Aideen’s car. After running a full diagnostic on the engine, my earlier guess had been correct.

The oxygen sensor was faulty.

I checked our inventory, and luckily, we had one sensor left that suited the model of the car. I removed the old one and installed the new one quicker than I expected. I performed a service on the car then. I changed the oil, switched out the filters, then topped up the brake and coolant fluid. I checked the tyres’ balance, replaced the head and rear light bulbs, replaced the front and rear brake pads, replaced the front and rear windshield wipers, and aligned all of the tyres too. I sent Kane a text message that his car was good to collect two hours after he’d left. I had a quick bite of lunch before I moved on to the next vehicle on my log.

It was a ruptured diesel pump, and we already had the replacement in stock. It had been delivered that morning.

“Are all the jobs on me log today this easy, or am I bein’ blessed or somethin’?”

Harley laughed as he pulled a pair of black rubber gloves on and moved to my side, peering into the engine I was working on. “Majority of today is servicin’ and pre-NCT checks, as usual, and small jobs like this.” He patted my back. “Don’t complain, brother. It’s Friday. I want an easy day before I head out tonight.”

“Where’re ye goin’?”

“On a date with a petite redhead I met at the shelter where Alec works. She’s short, like five foot even, but she has the biggest tits I’ve ever seen on a woman. Seriously, huge. Me mouth keeps waterin’ when I think of suckin’ on them.”