“Aha!” I shouted, pointing the wrench in my hand at him. “So, ye admit it was your brother who started it?”

“Of course.” Kane shrugged. “It was because of Gavin and Dominic fightin’ over Bronagh when they were all in school. It started out calm until JJ forced Ry’s hand, though.”


“By being a huge dick.”

“I can’t argue with ye there.”

We both laughed.

“Ye said somethin’ was wrong with your car?” I inquired. “I just got here, so fill me in.”

Kane glanced at the huge custom clock over the reception my father had made with our business logo at the centre. It was made from a black car tyre. In place of numbers were different miniature car models, and the hands of the clock were wrenches.

“It’s a bit late to be clocking in, isn’t it?”

“I had … an appointment this mornin’.”

“What kind of appointment?”

“The five-foot-eleven, blonde-haired, blue-eyed, big tits, big arse, big everythin’ kind.”

“Ah, a pussy appointment.” Kane waved a hand. “I’m a married man. The only tits and ass I need is—”

“Kane, she’s your wife, but she will always be me little sister. Never talk about her breasts or bum in a sexual manner, or any manner, in me presence, are we clear?”

Clearing his throat to cover up an obvious chuckle, he said, “We’re clear.”

I clapped my hand on his shoulder, then we went into the hangar so I could assess his car that was parked in bay two. Kane filled me in on the problems he’d been having, and I had an idea of what could be the issue.

“Date, what’re ye doin’?” JJ hollered from across the hangar when I popped the bonnet of Kane’s car. “That’s not on your log.”

“I’m just havin’ a look to see what the problem is.”

Kane folded his arms across his chest. “I still can’t believe your nickname is Date.”

“Neither can I since I never go on them.”

JJ walked over to us.

“The N should’ve been left off his name at birth because Date suits him better. He has more bedpost notches than me, Harls, and Gav put together, which is sayin’ somethin’ because Gavin and Harley fuck like rabbits. They’re always with women.”

Kane raised a brow. “And you’re not?”

JJ glanced away. “The engine is actin’ up?”

If Kane noticed the not-so-subtle subject change, he didn’t mention it. Neither did I. I wanted to, though. I couldn’t remember the last time JJ pulled a woman on a night out or when he last bothered to try. God, it’d been ages now that I thought about it. I didn’t understand his self-imposed drought, and I was waiting for the right moment to bring it up, but that obviously wasn’t now.

Kane nodded to JJ’s question. “Yeah, Aideen said it took a long time for the engine to get up to speed on the highway, then the check engine light came on. I just want to get it fixed, then I’ll upgrade the car to a new model by trading this one in.”

He could do that without blinking because the man was loaded. And not a modest rich, he was rich rich. Wealthy. He was the CEO businessman of Slater Property Development and owned a bunch of hugely successful apartment complexes. Everything about the apartments of The Peak was top of the line. I knew because I lived in one, and so did my brothers. A nice perk of being close to my brother-in-law was we got a state-of-the-art home for slum rent prices.

“I’ll switch the car onto his log.” JJ jerked his thumb in my direction. “He’ll fix it for ye. He can fix anythin’ when it comes to engines.”

Kane bumped fists with me. “Thanks, bro.”

We all turned and looked towards the reception when Aideen’s voice rose an octave.

“Jax!” she shouted. “Ye don’t put screwdrivers in your mouth. D’ye hear me? They’re dirty. No! Put. Them. Down … Jax! You’re gettin’ on me last nerve today. Ye better wind your neck in, boyo. I said no! Jax Daniel Slater!”

Little nephew just got full named. He was in trouble.

“That kid is going to drive her insane,” Kane said. “He tests her constantly.”

I winced. “I feel for ye, mate.”

“Why d’ye feel for him?”

I put an innocent smile on my face and turned to face my sister.

“Because the car will be out of action for a few hours while I fix it.”

Aideen frowned. “What’s wrong with it?”

“Faulty oxygen sensor,” I said even though I hadn’t looked at the engine yet. “Easily sorted.”

Aideen nodded, but an expression of sadness marred her pretty face.

“Ado, what’s the matter?”

“Everythin’!” I was caught off guard when she suddenly burst into tears. “One of me kids at school called me smelly, and it’s made me self-conscious all day even though I showered this mornin’ and had on clean clothes. I’m so tired, too. I can’t remember the last time I slept the night through, and me nipples are killin’ me from feedin’ Locke. That child is always hungry, and he never gives me a minute to meself. Jax doesn’t listen to me, and I kicked Kane out of bed this mornin’. Me husband could’ve died. I could’ve killed him.”