“Look away!” I cried as I pulled the basket behind the counter and heaved it onto the floor. “Don’t look at me! I didn’t know the prize was this.”

Hearty male laughter boomed throughout the reception.

Dante had tears in his eyes. “What did ye think Love Honey was?”

“Somethin’ to do with savin’ the bees! I don’t know.”

The men fell into one another because they were laughing so hard. I felt my face, my neck, and even my chest burn with embarrassment. I had never been so mortified in my entire life. I hurriedly shoved the basket back into the box, pushed the flaps closed, and pushed it under my desk. When I straightened, I pointed at the doorway to the hangar.

“Go,” I ordered. “Get back to work so I can die here in peace.”

They took mercy on me and left, all but one.

“You’re fuckin’ adorable.”

“Dante,” I groaned. “Please. I can’t believe this just happened. I’m mortified.”

“This isn’t embarrassin’. It’s fun. Ye just got a bunch of free top-of-the-line sex toys. I’d be on cloud nine if I was you.”

“Of course you would say that, Mr I-was-christened-with-the-nickname-Date-because-I’m-a-sex-god,” I grumbled as I removed my hands from my face. “You’re not the one who has an eight-inch blue dildo hidden under her desk.”

Dante laughed, and I couldn’t help it. I tittered too.

“Think of it this way. Ye can throw out your old sex toys and put these in their place.”

“I don’t have sex toys.” I rolled my eyes. “I’ve never had them.”

Dante’s smile slowly vanished. “Never?”

“Never,” I answered. “Me ex wasn’t fond of them, so I never had them.”

“What a sorry bastard he is, have ye no idea how much fun and excitement toys can bring to sex? They can make already great sex turn explosive.”

My clit throbbed to life as it often did around Dante.

“I’m very … reserved,” I said, looking at my computer screen just so I could have this conversation without looking him in the eye. “I think me sex life would bore ye beyond belief, Dante. It’s a sad history I have. I’m sure yours is much more excitin’. You are the one they all call Date after all.”

“Specs, just because ye’ve never added some toys into your sex life doesn’t mean you’re borin’.”

“I’m not just borin’. I’m not good at sex either.”

I couldn’t believe I had said those words out loud.

“Did your prick of an ex tell ye that?”

As a matter of fact, he did. Finn was a very hard man to please when it came to sex, and the only position he liked was missionary. When I once asked if he’d like to try something else, he’d called me a filthy bitch and said seeing his cock in my mouth or my bare arse as he bent me over would be the actions of a whore. When we had sex, sometimes it’d last for more than an hour because he kept losing his erection, and when he’d finally manage to keep it, it took him a long time to find his release.

He had said it was my fault. If I were more of a woman, then sex with me wouldn’t have felt like a chore, and he’d be able to come. The thoughts of those cruel words made my chest ache, and I suddenly felt as unattractive and as worthless as I did when he first said them to me.

“I don’t want to talk about it, Dante.”

He said nothing, which I was grateful for.

“Give me the box. I’ll put it in me truck so ye can bring it home. You’re goin’ to explore every last one of those toys, and I want a full write-up on Monday mornin’ of how right I was.”

“Yeah, like that’s gonna happen.”

“Give me the box, woman.”

I couldn’t help but chortle as Dante came behind the desk, rolled my chair to the side, and picked up my naughty box.

I swatted at him. “You’re shameless.”

He grinned. “Country, tell me somethin’ I don’t know.”

I shook my head, smiling as he left the building. Dante returned minutes later, but he wasn’t alone. He was accompanied by an elderly lady who was giggling as she held Dante’s elbow. I got up, rounded my desk, and walked towards the pair smiling. I intended on introducing myself, but Dante beat me to it.

“Ina, this beautiful woman is Lilly Doherty.”

“Lovely to meet ye, Mrs Doherty.”

Dante sucked in a sharp breath and jumped in front of Mrs Doherty just as she raised her black cane in my direction.

“She didn’t mean it, Lil,” Dante blurted in a rushed breath with his hands in the air. “She’s new. I forgot to mention you and your rules to her. It’s my fault, not hers. Don’t hurt her, please. She’s only twenty-seven and still has her whole life ahead of her.”

Dante was blocking my view of the elderly woman, but I was bloody well sure that she intended to whack me with her walking stick. I was both shocked and terrified at the sudden turn in events. I didn’t know what to do, so I remained still and very silent for all of two seconds.