“Look at me so ye can know what I’m sayin’, okay?”

I nodded and focused on him.

“I’m sorry I shouted at you,” he said, his eyes piercing mine. “I’ve never regretted anythin’ more. I’m so sorry, Ina. The look of hurt I put in your eyes today, I never want to see it again. I’ll never treat ye so poorly again, I promise.”

I believed him. I saw in his eyes that upsetting me had upset him.

“Can ye forgive me?”

Without a thought, I nodded, and his shoulders appeared to slump with relief.

“That’s me girl.”

My tummy fluttered.

“Dante…” I swallowed. “I can’t be your girl.”

“You already are, country.”



* * *

“What’re ye callin’ me for, Ryan?” I grumbled the second I answered my phone. “I’m hungover as fuck.”

“I heard ye had some trouble in the garage yesterday.” Alannah Ryan’s sweet-sounding voice flowed through the receiver of my phone. “Nico says ye decked a bloke.”

“I did,” I said. “Then I got drunk, and now I’m dyin’ because I got drunk. I regret many things.”

She snorted. “Nico also said somethin’ interestin’ was goin’ on between you and the garage’s new receptionist.”

“That fella is a gossipin’ little fairy.”

“Date,” Alannah pressed. “Tell me about her.”

“Nothin’ to tell,” I grumbled. “Her name’s Ina, she’s twenty-seven, she’s drop-dead gorgeous with the body of a siren, she’s a culchie, and she’s as sweet as sugar, but me da made her off-limits. I’m sad about it, hence me deckin’ a bloke and gettin’ drunk.”

Alannah giggled. “Since when has anythin’ stopped ye from gettin’ a woman ye want?”

“Since me aul lad threatened to shove his foot up me arse.”

“That’s as good a reason as any to stay away from her.”


“Look, when ye get with her, and we both know ye will, I want ye to know that I wish ye all the best with her.”

I blinked. “Lana, I’m interested in fuckin’ her.”

That was an arsehole thing to say, and I knew it.

“Nico says ye look at her like ye’d give her the world if it was in your palm. He also said ye got extremely defensive when he commented on her body … that’s more than ye just havin’ an interest in her for just sex, Date.”

I said nothing.

“I just wanted to say I wish ye the best … but I also want to tell ye somethin’ else because you’re me friend and I love ye.”

Here it comes.

“I’m engaged,” she blurted. “And I’m pregnant … with a baby.”

I was silent for a moment, but when I heard her sharp intake of breath, I laughed.

“Congratulations, gorgeous girl,” I said, forgetting my headache and problems for a moment. “I’m happy for ye, honey. Truly, I am.”

“Thanks, Date.” She sighed a big breath of relief. “We both really appreciate it.”

“I’m not extendin’ me congratulations to that blond bitch you’re shacked up with, me happiness is just for you. I already feel sorry for your kid because half of its DNA will be his, which means your child will be half fanny.”

Alannah snickered. “I’ve gotta go, be good.”

“When am I not good?”

She cackled, then hung up on me. I pocketed my phone and groaned when my head pounded. I was never drinking again. Never.

“Mornin’, Date!” JJ’s voice practically screamed from across the hangar. “It’s a beautiful summer’s day, isn’t it, little brother?”

“Shut,” I growled, “the fuck up.”

My head was pounding like a fucking jackhammer. My decision the previous night to go to the pub and drink away my problems after what had turned out to be a shitty day no longer seemed like such a good idea. I’d vomited twice since I woke up at eight that morning. A shower and a litre of water didn’t help me feel better either. I hoped the two painkillers I popped not too long ago would kick in soon. Otherwise, it was likely that I’d up and fucking die.

Having a hangover in my thirties was the equivalent to same-day surgery recovery, and no one could tell me any different.

“Are ye a little fragile this mornin’, bud?” JJ asked, keeping his voice raised. “I wonder why that is?”

If I had the energy, I’d kill the bastard.

“JJ, please,” I pleaded. “I’m a second away from pukin’ again. Me head is killin’ me, and my hand is achin’ somethin’ awful.”

The pain in my hand was a reminder of the beating I gave to the man who tried to run out on paying for the services we provided yesterday.

“All three of those things are your own fault, so ye won’t get an ounce of sympathy from me.”

“I’m not lookin’ for sympathy,” I scowled. “I’m askin’ ye to shut your mouth and leave me alone. Let me suffer in peace.”

“Nope.” JJ crossed the floor to me. “Did ye remember what I told ye last night?”

“That I’m a stupid prick?”

“What else?”

“That I wasn’t raised to be such an inconsiderate wankstain who objectifies women?”