Dante’s sky blues gleamed. “If anyone can handle the mess that comes with the garage and the Collins family in general, it’s you, country.”



* * *

“Date, what hour d’ye call this? It’s the middle of the feckin’ night.”

I stepped into my father’s house and closed his front door behind me. “It’s nine o’clock, Da.”

“Practically witchin’ hour. What d’ye want?”

I followed him into his kitchen. “Can’t a son drop by unannounced to spend some quality time with his father?”

“One of me other sons can, but not you. I know ye like the back of me hand. What d’ye want?”

I couldn’t help but snort. “I wanna talk to ye about Ina—”


I sat down at the kitchen table and blinked. My father was over by the sink washing his hands. “What d’ye mean no?”

“I mean no,” Da repeated. “You and the lads think I don’t pay attention to much at the garage, but I see and hear everythin’. I know good and well that ye’ve got your sights set on Ina, and I’m tellin’ ye now, boyo, if ye mess around with that lady and run her out of me garage, you’re sacked and disowned.”

I spluttered, “Da!”

“Don’t ‘Da’ me. Your name is Date for a reason.” He turned his head and pierced me with the same blue eyes all his children inherited. “You’re not to interfere with Ina’s life. She is a honey pie, and I won’t have ye entertainin’ her for a night or two, then ignorin’ her.”

I shifted uncomfortably. “I never ignore the women I sleep with if I see them. I just don’t engage them for a second round. That’d encourage them that I want somethin’ more when I don’t.”

“Exactly.” Da dried his hands, turned, and leaned against the countertop. “Ye can’t escape Ina, son. She’s your co-worker and your new neighbour from what I’ve heard. Do yourself a favour and don’t get tangled up with her. It’ll end badly. I’m warnin’ ye.”

I huffed. “You’re overthinkin’ this.”

“And you’re underthinkin’ it,” he countered. “It took me ages to find someone as qualified, competent, and on the ball as Ina, and she’s only worked one full day. I don’t wanna lose her, Date, and I won’t. I’ll shove me foot so far up your arse that ye’ll taste leather if ye bother my girl.”

“Your girl?”

“Yes.” Da grinned. “Mine. Ye can’t have her. I’ve already laid claim to her. She’s me work daughter.”

For God’s sake.

“You’re bein’ ridiculous, Da. Tellin’ me I can’t have her and makin’ it a rule that she can’t mess around with any of your mechanics. You’re makin’ this worse for me.”

“I’m devastated for ye, son.” Da rolled his eyes. “Me heart bleeds for ye.”

Sarcastic arsehole.

“Comin’ here was a waste of time,” I scowled and got to my feet. “Ye’ve only gone and made her look all the more temptin’.”

“That’s why ye need to do some reflection, son. Ina isn’t a temptation for you or any other man. Her value is more than just her ability to have sex. She’s a lady who deserves to be respected. She’ll have that from you and me other lads, or so help me God, I’ll redden each and every single one of your arses. Ye best believe that, boyo.”

* * *

“Date, did your dick fall off or something? I can see your man pout from out here.”

I finished replacing the spark plug in the engine I was working on and turned my head. When I spotted Nico Slater walking towards me from bay two’s entrance, I scowled at him. I had been a miserable person to speak to since I had left my father’s house the night before. It was late afternoon the following day, and a dark cloud still hung over my head. Even my brothers didn’t bother me too much as we worked.

That same consideration was never given by a Slater.

“Piss off. I’m in a foul mood, and your ugly face is the last thing I need to see.”

Nico snorted. “You only say that because I have the same face as Damien.”

“Don’t mention blondie to me,” I growled. “I’m in a—”

“Foul mood,” Nico finished. “Yeah, I got that.”

“Then piss off.”

“I can’t. Damien’s off work until tomorrow, and he left his credit card in his locker. I’m picking it up for him because I’m such a nice guy.”

Yeah, right.

“Like fuck ye are. I bet Bronagh made ye come over.”

“You’re right. She did.”

I smirked. “How is Miss Murphy? Still as fine as ever?”

Nico lost his grin. “Don’t.”

You could talk to Nico Slater about a lot of things, but talking about how sexy his woman was wasn’t one of them.

“Temper, temper, sunshine,” I teased. “No violence allowed in the garage.”

“You and Damien never seemed to get that message.”

That was the God’s honest truth.

“His locker is number five. It’s in the—”

“Hey!” Ina’s voice shouted from the reception. “Come back here! Ye have to pay your invoice, sir. Hey!”