I hadn’t thought of that.

“Ye don’t think a Slater is playin’ matchmaker for me, d’ye?”

I was good friends with my brother-in-law, but I couldn’t see him wanting to set me up with a woman … let alone one of his tenants.

“Not the Slater you’re thinkin’ of,” Harley commented.

I stared at him, then widened my eyes. “Aideen!”

“That’s what I was thinkin’,” JJ said. “Little sis screens the tenants with Kane. I bet she had a hand in where Ina ended up. Kane can never say no to her.”

I placed my hands on my hips. “The little witch,” I growled. “I’ll be havin’ words with her about this.”

“After ye have your words, make sure ye thank her.” Harley grinned. “Ye already look halfway in love with our little country girl.”

“My little country girl, not ours.”

Gavin leaned over the bonnet of a car. “What makes ye think ye can seduce her? She seems sheltered and more than a little skittish to me. The likes of you might scare her.”

“I’ve never had to work to seduce a woman, little brother.” I felt myself grin. “They all come flockin’ to me to play ... but for Ina? Things may just change in that department.”

“I hope ye know what you’re doin’.” JJ clapped his hand on my shoulder. “She seems like a nice woman, Date.”

“Relax,” I said. “I’m into her.”

“Ye don’t even know her.”

“Fine.” I rolled my eyes at Harley. “I’m so attracted to her that me cock may as well pound nails instead of a hammer. That pencil skirt suit is seriously doin’ it for me.”

Two of my brothers laughed, and one remained aloof.

“Just remember what I said.” JJ shook his head. “If this one quits, Da will find a new place to lodge his foot.”

“Don’t worry.” I waved my hand. “Things will go down smoother than a pint of Guinness with Ina O’Shea. Trust me, lads.”

None of my brothers looked like they believed me, and for once, I didn’t buy what I was selling either. It changed nothing, though. I wanted Ina in my bed, my shower, bent over my settee, and up against my bedroom wall, and I would have her in all those ways and more. I just had to seduce her and show her that she wanted those things from me too.

I was the predator who had clocked his prey, and she had no idea that I was going to hunt her down.



* * *

I banged my fist against the heavy white oak door before me. There was a period of silence, then through the door, a voice said, “We don’t want whatever it is that you’re selling, pussy.”

I rolled my eyes. “Open up, yank.”

“He called me a yank.” Kane chuckled, unbothered. “Did you do something to make him mad?”

“Not that I can remember, but it doesn’t take much to annoy that brute.”

The door opened, and I instantly narrowed my eyes at my only sister and her husband.

“I came straight from work, so I’ll be havin’ words with the pair of ye. Now.”

Kane raised his eyebrows. Aideen tilted her head to the side, then gestured me into their apartment. I made my way into the sitting room. Jax screamed with delight when he saw me and climbed down from his seated position on the settee. Locke, who was on his play mat on the floor lying on his stomach, glanced at me, then turned back and continued watching Paw Patrol.

The kid was a whole mood.

Jax ran head first into my legs. He was only tall enough to bump my knees, but as he grew, I was going to be wary of him ramming head first into my bollocks when he charged to greet me.

“What’s the craic, little man?”

He answered me with a big smile and said, “Ina.”

I eyed him. “Were you in on it too?”

He grinned before he trotted over and lay down beside his brother. I took a seat on one settee while Kane and Aideen sat across from me on the other. His arm went around her shoulders.

“What’d we do?”

I glared at my sister. “Of all the apartments in this buildin’, ye put a spectacle-wearin’, curvy siren in the one facin’ mine.”

Both of them smiled wide. Arseholes.

“Isn’t she the cutest?” Aideen gushed. “I haven’t met her in person yet, only saw her on the lobby security footage, but Kane said she’s adorable.”

I looked at Kane. “Why?”

“She’s the opposite of you, very quiet and keeps to herself.” He shrugged. “Aideen thinks she’ll be good for you.”

I leaned my head back against the cushion of the settee. “I’m thirty-two,” I reminded them both. “I don’t need help from me little sister and her husband to get a woman.”

“I’m very much aware that ye don’t need anyone’s help to get a woman,” Aideen grunted, “but I saw how gutted ye were after things went south with you and Alannah. Ye liked bein’ someone’s person.”