“Sweet baby Jesus in the manger.”

The beaming smile on Ina’s face faltered, and she reached up to touch her shiny black hair. It was slicked back and held at the back of her head in a tight bun without a single hair out of place. Her black-framed glasses were pushed up the bridge of her nose, and I swear my heart skipped a beat. She looked like a sexy librarian.

I loved sexy librarians.

“What is it, Dante?”

I tried to appear casual when I leaned over and rested my shoulder against the lift post, and I reminded myself to fucking breathe.

“What are ye wearin’, love?”

Ina looked down at her naughty outfit. “What JJ told me to wear.”

I switched my gaze to my eldest brother. “You did this?”

“Yes,” JJ answered, smiling wide and clearly pleased with himself. “You’re welcome.”

“For givin’ him a ragin’ stiffy?” Gavin mumbled with a grin. “He looks like he’s ready to come in his jocks.”

I knew Ina hadn’t heard what was said because my brothers were standing to her right. She touched her right ear and turned towards them a little more so she could catch what they were saying. She suddenly looked very unsure of herself.

With a frown, she focused on JJ. “I look okay, right? Ye said a pencil skirt suit would be fine for office attire, and I found the same one in a few different colours in Pennys. I got a few of the same cute blouses so I can tuck into it for when it gets warm enough to take off me blazer. Like today.”

“Darlin’, ye look like a million quid,” JJ answered with a wink. “Don’t think on it for another second.”

Ina’s shoulders sagged with relief as I absentmindedly walked closer to her. I couldn’t take my eyes off her. Before, she was simply pretty, but today, she was an unrivalled goddess who did not realise her own sex appeal. That made me want her all the more.

“Great, I’ll go into the office so your daddy can ease me into everythin’.”

“I can do the easin’ if me aul fella can’t,” Gavin offered with a chuckle. “Just give me a shout.”

“What?” Ina blinked. “I can’t hear out of me right ear, remember?”

I reached over and smacked my little brother across the back of the head, making him hiss, and both Harley and JJ laugh. The little bastard couldn’t talk like that around her. She wasn’t forward like Aideen or any of the Slater women … she was precious. A lady. I could think of all the things I wanted to do to her, but I wouldn’t say it until I was actually doing them. I’d be afraid she’d drop dead from shock otherwise.

To Ina, I said, “Go on in, country. Ye’ll do great.”

She looked completely lost, bless her. I gave her a big smile, to which she nodded and walked towards the reception. My eyes were glued to her arse. She was deliciously pear-shaped. Small breasts with a tiny waist I could definitely span with both of my hands. She had hips, thighs, and an arse so thick it made me almost swallow my tongue. How the fuck was I supposed to work knowing she was in the next room looking like that?

“JJ,” I mumbled, leaning to the right until Ina’s arse walked out of my view. “I love ye so much, but Christ, I hate ye too.”

“Me too,” Gavin agreed. “I think Ina has a bigger arse than Bronagh. Nico will love her.”

Something in my mind snapped with his observation as I turned and dove for him.

“I’m sorry.” He cackled. “Stop!”

Gavin was hell-bent on putting a car between us while JJ and Harley jumped to restrain me. “Leave him alone.” JJ snorted, pushing me back. “He knows she’s yours. He’s just takin’ the piss outta ye.”

I grunted. “I’m not in the mood.”

“Ye got your dick wet on Thursday night and Friday mornin’.” Harley rolled his eyes. “Ye can’t be this grouchy already.”

My eyes darted to the reception. “I want her.”

“Da will blow a fuse,” JJ said pointedly. “He’s been ravin’ all weekend about how experienced she is for the job and how much help she will be. Don’t shag her and leg it. Ye can’t ghost a woman ye work with.”

I gritted my teeth. It bothered me that they automatically jumped to me fucking a woman and walking away from her, but could I blame them? That was exactly what I had always done. That is the reason I was Date.

“I couldn’t go far, even if I wanted to.” I shrugged. “Her apartment is across the hall from mine.”

Gavin whistled. “Kane is playin’ with ye. I’m on the first floor with the other tenants. Why didn’t he put her in the last vacant apartment on my floor? I know the second, third, and fourth floors have at least one vacant space. Why’d he put her up on the fifth with you? The two of ye all alone up there.”