Dante’s chuckle spread over me like a warm blanket. “Good,” he said. “D’ye know your way to the garage?”

“I didn’t, but I typed in the address ye gave me into the maps app so I’m just gonna follow it. It says it’s only a twelve-minute walk from where I am right now.”

“Yeah, we’re close to The Square.”

“I’ll see ye soon then.”

“Okay … phone me if ye get lost, and I’ll come and find ye.”

Butterflies erupted in my stomach. “Okay, bye.”

“Bye, kid.”

I hung up, and a giggle burst free. I felt all giddy inside, but I told myself it was because I was just nervous about my job interview. It wasn’t because of Dante. While he was very sweet to me in the short span of time I knew him, I reminded myself that I wasn’t interested in dating anyone. Not that Dante would ever be interested in me in that way, but personally, I just wanted to be by myself for a while. I wanted the experience of being completely independent.

The only romantic relationship I had ever been in broke me down inside, so I was in no hurry to ever repeat that.

With my maps app open, I left the shopping centre and set out walking. Minutes later, I came upon what looked to be one gigantic building, but I could see it was divided into different businesses when I got closer. I spotted the C.A.R. logo and found another sign that read “Collins Auto Repair” over the main entrance. It was bigger than any garage I had ever seen before. Granted, I was from the sticks of Carlow and hadn’t seen very many of them, but it was gigantic. I closed the app on my phone, pocketed it, and walked towards the reception.

A young man was behind the large receptionist’s desk when I entered. He looked up at me, and straight away, I knew this man was related to Dante in some way, shape, or form. Either a brother or a cousin, they had the same blue eyes and dark-brown hair. Their smile was identical, too. He was a handsome devil if I had ever seen one.

“Mornin’.” He grinned as I approached the counter. “How can I help ye?”

In the waiting area, I noticed the seats were filled with women and women only. All of them were beaming at the man and giving me dirty looks. I felt my gut twist. I didn’t know why they looked at me with such contempt because I did nothing wrong.

“Good mornin’, I have an interview with Mr Collins at twelve. Me name is Ina O’Shea. I’m a little early, so I don’t mind waitin’. This is me CV.”

“Ah, you’re Ina.” His lips twitched as he took my document. “Ye can take a seat. The boss will see to ye soon.”

I bobbed my head, then walked over to the waiting area and sat down on the only available seat. My bum had barely touched the seat before a door leading out to the garage floor opened, and a familiar face greeted me with a beaming smile. Dante looked good, so good. He had on a pair of those navy work trousers with a dozen pockets and a grey T-shirt with the garage’s logo in white on its centre. The shirt was fitted, which I appreciated a little too much. I looked at his face and found him watching me.

Not one of the other women … me.

“I was worried I’d have to go on the hunt for a lost little country girl.”

His teasing put me at ease as I got back to my feet.

“Even culchies can follow directions, ye know?”

Dante grinned as his eyes scanned me from head to toe. “Ye look great.”

I wasn’t expecting the compliment, and I hoped my cheeks didn’t redden because of it.

“Thanks.” I shifted from foot to foot. “This was the best I could do.”

“It’ll do just fine. Did ye have your aids in?”

“Just the left one,” I said. “I accidentally broke me right one last night.” Dante frowned, but before he could speak, I jabbed my thumb to where the man who greeted me was moments before. “Was that man your brother or cousin?”

“Baby brother,” he answered. “His name is Gavin.”

“I figured. He looks a lot like ye, but how old is he for ye to call him baby?”

“He’s twenty-six.”

I blinked. “I’m only a year older than him.”

I was far from a baby.

“I know.” He winked. “Why d’ye think I called ye kid on the phone earlier?”

I scowled at him, which he found amusing.

“Should I call ye an aul lad from now on?” My lips suddenly curved upwards. “Since you’re clearly so much older than me.”

Dante’s eyes flashed with amusement, and he took a step forward. “I’m thirty-two … not old enough for that title yet.”

I figured him to be around my age, not in his early thirties.