How long was a long time ago? She looked twenty at most. A baby compared to my thirty-two.

“How old are ye?” I quizzed. “Ye look like a kid.”

“I just turned twenty-seven last week.”

If I was a dog, my ears would have shot right up.

“Happy belated birthday,” I said and looked at Jax, whose head lolled as he dozed on my shoulder. “I thought ye were a kid.”

I was very happy that this wasn’t the case.

“Thanks. Ye should probably get him into bed,” Ina suggested, her eyes on my nephew. “I’ll keep the bangin’ to a minimum, I promise.”

My lips twitched. “I’d appreciate it, Ina.”

She licked her lower lip, and the action drew my attention. Her eyes lowered to my body, and it was then that I realised that I was shirtless. I watched Ina’s eyes move slowly over my torso, and I could almost feel her caress. It sent blood straight to my rapidly swelling cock.

“I’m sure ye’ve got to get up early for work.” I straightened, hoping she didn’t look down and see the outline of my now erect dick. “I’ll leave ye be.”

“I’ll be up to go job huntin’ more like.”

I paused. “You’re lookin’ for a job?”

“Yep.” She nodded. “D’ye happen to know somewhere that’d need a receptionist or secretary?”

I looked up at the ceiling, momentarily wondering what kind of stunt God was trying to pull on me with this.


Jesus. My name on her tongue went straight to my bollocks.

“Sorry.” I looked back at her. “I work in a garage. I’m a mechanic. Me aul fella owns the place, and he’s been interviewin’ for an experienced receptionist for a while now. I can get ye an interview for tomorrow afternoon if you’re interested?”

Ina’s forest green eyes practically bugged out of their sockets.

“Yes, please,” she blurted. “Oh, I’d love the chance for an interview.”

Her eagerness brought a smile to my face. “If ye give me your number, I can give ye a buzz and let ye know when me da can interview ye.”

“Crap.” Her face dropped. “I don’t have a mobile.”

I found that odd. Everyone had a smartphone nowadays.

“I’ve a spare one ye can use,” I offered. “The screen is cracked, but it works fine.”

Her cute as fuck dimples deepened when she smiled wide, and I’d be a barefaced liar if I said I wasn’t wildly attracted to her. I shifted my stance when I imagined myself fucking her, eating her cunt, sucking on her nipples, and tasting those pouty lips of hers. I was in big fucking trouble, and I knew it.

“Oh, thank you, Dante!”

“Don’t mention it. I’ll go and put him to bed and grab it for ye.”

I was awarded another brilliant smile as I turned and hurried into my apartment. I almost jogged into my bedroom, then carefully put Jax back into the travel cot that Locke was lightly snoring inside. They were so fucking cute when they were asleep. I turned from them, opened my nightstand drawer, pushed away the boxes filled with empty condom wrappers, and grabbed the item I was looking for. I picked up a charger for it too and hurried back out to the hallway. Ina was leaning against the panel of her door frame, and my eyes instantly locked back on her thick thighs.

I wanted them on either side of my head as I tongued her to orgasm, and I wanted them there soon.

“Here we are.” I handed the items to her. “Figured ye’d need the charger, too.”

“You’re a saint!”

Not with the direction my thoughts were headed in.

“Ye’ll need to get a SIM card for it.” I shoved my hands into my pockets. “Ye can get one for a tenner in any of the phone shops. I’ll pop a note under your door before I leave for work in a few hours with me number on it. When ye get your SIM card, give me a text so I can save yours and give ye a buzz with the interview info.”

She clutched the phone and charger to her chest like they were her lifeline. The shirt she was wearing was so baggy I couldn’t tell if she had big tits or not, but my mind didn’t care and neither did my cock. I wanted to suck on them and fuck them, whether they were big or small.

“Thank you so much. Ye’ve no idea what this means to me.”

She did look grateful, and that gratitude was payment enough for me … for now.

“You’re welcome, country. Go and get some sleep.”

“I will. Thanks, Dante. Good night.”

“Night, love.”

I closed my apartment door, leaned back against it, and wondered how I would convince me by the book father not only to give Ina an interview for the receptionist job but to simply give her the job. I had a lot of thinking to do and not a lot of hours left to do it.