“Right.” My sister exhaled a breath. “I can help with that. All we need to do is phone Kane’s doctor—”

“Aideen Slater?”

All heads turned towards the kitchen doorway. Aideen groaned out loud when the front door of my apartment slammed shut. Sweet suffering Jesus, did everyone have our fucking door code?

“Who phoned him?” my sister demanded. “Which one of you bastards called me husband?”

“Not me,” everyone said in unison.

“Then who—”

“Are you fucking shitting me?” Kane Slater snapped at my sister when he entered the room. “Woman!”

She levelled him with a well-placed stare. “Lower your voice in me brother’s home, Slater.”

Kane was furious, steam appeared to come from his ears, and though it was clearly a struggle, he composed himself and spoke calmly. “What. Are. You. Doing. Here?”

“Family business.”

“I’m family, so it should be my business.” Kane raised an eyebrow. “Talk.”

Aideen looked at me, then her husband, and said, “I meant sibling business, sorry.”

“Ado,” I said, gaining her attention. “He already knows how this started. He knew before you did. He decided it’d be best to keep ye in the dark on what was happenin’, and we agreed with him.”

She glared at me then switched her furious gaze to her husband.

“I am not some porcelain doll, Kane Slater. Ina is my brother’s missus, which makes her my family. You don’t get to decide what I can and cannot be involved in.”

Kane shot forward, got in my sister’s space, and backed her up against the counter. My father rolled his eyes, JJ yawned, Harley picked dirt from his trousers, Gavin scrolled through his phone, Ina chewed on her nails¸ and I rubbed my eyes. I was tired as shit.

“You are my wife, and you are the mother of my children. You don’t get to willingly put yourself in dangerous situations. Not. Fucking. Ever.”

“But Ina is—”

“She’s Date’s woman.” Kane interrupted with a growl. “He deals with her and any situation regarding her. He asked me to find out how Ina’s ex got into the building and what happened on her way out. He had this under control. If he needed more of my help, he’d have asked for it. He can take care of his woman just like I can take care of mine. Understand?”

Ina leaned heavily against me; her hand grasped over my legs until she found my hand. I knew that she had only seen Kane as her landlord, but this right here was Kane as my brother-in-law. He didn’t mess around when it came to my sister. That was why I liked the bloke so much.

“I said,” Kane’s voice pitched lower. “D’you understand me, Aideen?”

“Before she says a word, Kane,” Gavin blurted. “I just want to apologise and say that we weren’t gonna tell her anythin’, but she doesn’t listen to us. She also hit me on the head with her little fists. Twice.”

“Bloody rat,” Aideen grunted. “How you’re a gangster is beyond me.”

“I’m not scared of anyone except you,” Gavin countered as he threw a glance at Kane’s back. “And your husband.”

Ina’s snort of laughter made me smile.

“I’m waiting on your answer, Aideen Slater.”

Kane lowered his face to my sister’s, making her squirm.

“Yes,” she said, her voice a little breathy. “I understand you.”

“Good,” he said. “How’d you find out about this if no one here told you?”

“Martin told me when I came home with Keela and the kids. She’s in our apartment with our boys and Enzo.”

Kane growled. “He told me you stormed up here and I should come check on you. I’m firing his gossiping ass.”

“If ye sack Martin, I’m filin’ for divorce. I love him.”

Kane tipped his head back and sighed, long and deep.

Ina turned to me. “Isn’t Martin the head of security? The gay man who has a rainbow rag that hangs out of his back pocket like it’s his gang colours?”

I grinned. “That’s him.”

Ina smiled warmly. “I like him a lot. He always calls me a queen.”

“See,” Aideen said. “Everyone loves Martin. You leave him alone, Kane Slater.”

“Fine,” he griped. “But I’m having a serious talk with him.”

“Fine,” Aideen echoed. “Before ye do that, call the doc for Ina. She won’t go to the hospital in case they think Dante hurt her, and she’s too scared to say anythin’ about it.”

Kane looked at my missus, and his expression tightened when he saw how battered and bruised she was. “Tell me what happened.”

“Ina,” Aideen suddenly said. “Come with me to your room, and I’ll help ye get changed out of those clothes. The lads can fill Kane in while we’re gone.”

Ina squeezed my hand before she took Aideen’s outstretched palm. My sister slipped her arm around my girl’s waist and looked at me. “She’ll be fine with me.”

I nodded, and we all watched as they walked out of the room. When the door to our bedroom closed, I told Kane everything that had happened over the past couple of hours. He listened silently; his grey eyes trained on me.