Verbally, Ina said, “I don’t think I could even manage water.”

“I’ve been gettin’ a few gulps into you throughout the night to keep ye hydrated.”

Ina frowned. “I’m so sorry ye had to take care of me … was I bad? I can remember the trials and drinkin’ that god-awful drink. I can’t remember anythin’ after I sat down once I became a knitter. It’s just blank.”

“Ye were fine,” I lied. “Ye didn’t speak much. Ye really just slept on me.”

“Oh, thank God.” She placed a hand on her naked chest. “I had some crazy dreams where I begged ye to have sex with me, and your brothers were right there laughin’.”


“Definite dream.”

I’d have to threaten both JJ and Harley to keep their fucking mouths shut about Ina’s drunken ramblings.

“That’s such a relief,” she said, then suddenly gasped and looked at her index finger. “I got a tattoo!” She ran her fingertip over it. “It’s a little tender.”

“What’s the sign for ‘tattoo’?”

Ina showed me, so slowly I signed, It’s a beautiful tattoo.

She beamed and moved her hands fluidly as she signed, I love it.

“I’ll clean it for ye. Lilly mentioned she gave ye a cleanin’ pack and put it in your wool bag.”

Ina nodded as I grabbed a large towel and opened it.

“Ready to get out?”

She switched off the unit and stepped out of the shower, gloriously naked and dripping wet as she pressed into me so I could wrap the towel around her. She dried her ears well and pushed her wet hair over her shoulder before she grabbed her aid and put them in. I waited until she told me it was on before I spoke.

“Ye know.” I rubbed my hands over her to keep her warm and dry her at the same time. “I love how comfortable ye are with your body.”

She tilted her head back. “One thing I had never been criticised about was me body, so I guess I was never self-conscious over it.”

“Good,” I said. “Because your body is perfect. That big arse, those thick thighs, wide hips, tiny waist, flat stomach, and small breasts kill me. Every inch of you that jiggles is an instant hard-on.”

Ina smiled as she snuggled against me.

“It’s late evenin’,” she commented. “I slept all night and most of the day, didn’t I?”

“Uh-huh.” I nodded. “The devil’s brew would’ve knocked ye out for a couple of days if Lilly didn’t make ye the light version.”

A mask a horror covered Ina’s face. “That was the light version?”

“Apparently so.”

She blessed herself and murmured a prayer, making me chuckle.

“What’ve ye been doin’ all day while I’ve been sleepin’?”

I became a little shy and unsure of myself as I said, “I, uh, did somethin’ for ye.”

“Ye did? What?”

“Go get dried and into pyjamas, and I’ll show ye.”

Ina headed to her bedroom. I lingered in the doorway as she dried, moisturised, and got into cute bunny-print pyjamas.

“FYI, I much prefer ye naked.”

“Duly noted.” She managed a smile as she pulled her hairbrush through her dark, wet tresses before setting it down. She used her towel to squeeze out any excess water from her hair. “Now, what’d ye do for me, handsome man?”

I took her hand and led her down the hallway to the front door. I opened it, stepped outside, and pointed at her doorbell. Her new doorbell that I’d picked up from the post room in the lobby that morning and installed while she was sleeping.

“I wanted to surprise ye.”

Ina blinked, adjusted her glasses, and squinted. “I don’t know what I’m lookin’ at, pet.”

I huffed a laughed. “I fitted your new doorbell.”

She tilted her head. “Did me old one break?”


“Then why”—she looked at me quizzically—“did ye replace it?”

I felt my cheeks flush.

“I got ye a special doorbell. It’s for people who have difficulty hearin’.” I scuffed my socked foot against the floor. “I know ye don’t like wearin’ your aids when you’re at home, so I went online a couple of weeks ago and found this.” I gestured to the fancy-looking doorbell. “While ye slept, I fitted a panel on the headboard of your bed that vibrates and flashes when the bell is pressed, and I placed smaller devices in each room of the house that flash bright blue when it’s pressed, too. I just thought it would help ye relax knowin’ ye could take your devices out and still know when someone is at your door.”

I looked at her face after a period of silence.

“Kane’s cool with it in case you’re worried he’ll be mad. I asked him before I fitted it.”

More silence. My stomach hurt.

“Come on, Ina, say somethin’.”

“Thank you,” she whispered. “Thank you so much, honey.”

She threw herself at me, wrapping her arms around my neck and pressing her body against mine as she hugged me tightly. I slid my arms securely around her and relaxed against her. I dipped my head, and my lips touched her neck.