
But his words halted me in my tracks. “Okay. What if I could guarantee none of us would do that … would you come home?”

“Lachlan can’t help himself.”

“Lachlan, believe it or not, is pretty preoccupied by his pregnant wife at the moment and will be even more so when the baby arrives. Same for Mac and Arro. The kids keep Thane busy. And you’re missing it all, Bro. For shit that I can tell doesn’t even make you that happy anymore. I think you miss us as much as we miss you.”

Emotion glimmered in his eyes, and he swallowed hard. “Of course, I miss you all.”

“Then come home. I will talk to the others, and I will make sure they know pestering or interrogating you is not on the menu.”

He sighed heavily again. “It’s not that simple. Lachlan is making it out like it’s simple, but I can’t just walk away from films I’ve signed on for.”

“Aye, you can. It happens all the time.”

Brodan scrubbed a hand over his face and admitted quietly, “I am so bloody tired.”

“Then come home.”

After what felt like the longest minute ever, he gave me a wee nod. “I’ll think about it. I promise.”

I nodded at Brodan’s bodyguard, Walker, who stood outside my brother’s private room with another bodyguard I didn’t recognize. After a quick huddle with my siblings in the waiting room where I explained what I’d promised, they reluctantly agreed that they wouldn’t push Brodan away by pressing too hard to know what was going on with him.

“Maybe being home will make him naturally want to confide in you,” Ery offered quietly.

“Exactly what I was thinking,” Regan agreed.

“Fine.” Lachlan nodded. “I’ll back off. Unless he doesn’t come home after this job, and then I will physically haul him back. Or my security team will.”

Robyn rolled her eyes. “You can’t force him to do something he doesn’t want to do.”

“Aye, I bloody can.”

“When are they discharging him?” Mac asked. He held Eilidh in his arms, and she’d fallen asleep. Lewis dozed on a dull vinyl chair beside us.

“A few hours. You guys go.” Lachlan waved them off and reached for a sleepy Eilidh. “Go enjoy your wedding night. Robyn and I have the kids.”

“And I’ll stay here,” I said. “I’ll make sure Brodan gets home.”

“I’ll stay with you.” Ery caressed my arm.

“You sure?”

“Of course.”

I wrapped my arm around her and pulled her close. She wore my kilt jacket over her flimsy bridesmaid gown.

We walked our family out of the hospital. I felt like shit for the newly wedded couples for how their big day had ended, but I imagined Brodan felt worse. Thankfully, both couples had booked honeymoons later in the year, so they wouldn’t have to fly out tonight worrying about Bro.

I stood off to the side as Ery hugged Arro for a long time, and my phone vibrated in the sporran attached over my kilt. Pulling it out, my pulse skittered upon seeing the email notification. I tapped it, and the email opened.

Told you I hadn’t forgotten about you. And now I see you’ve found yourself a girl. Eredine. Such a pretty name. I’d like to get to know her better.


Fuck. Fuck.

Hands shaking with rage, I stalked across the car park to where Lachlan had just eased Eilidh into the back seat of an Ardnoch Range Rover. Drivers from the estate had arrived at the Gloaming to take us to the hospital, since we were all too drunk to drive.

I grabbed my brother’s arm after he closed the car door.

He frowned. “What is it?”

I showed him the email.

His expression darkened. “This is all we need.”

“I know.”

“Forward it to me. I’ll have Nylah look into it.” He glanced over at Ery, who was talking quietly with Regan now. “Maybe don’t tell her until I know more. No point worrying her until we have some solid information.”

“You think?”

“Ultimately, it’s up to you. But it’s been a long day, and she might not sleep if you show her that.”

I didn’t want to keep things from Ery or treat her like she was fragile. Yet part of me wondered if Lachlan was right. Maybe it was better to hold off telling her until we knew where the email came from. Damn it. “I won’t be able to let her out of my sight now.”

“Try not to act strange, or she’ll know something is up.” He clamped a hand on my shoulder. “Call me if you need me.”

“I will.” But I hoped to God I didn’t need to.



The few days since the wedding and Brodan’s collapse had been a whirlwind of Adair family activity. While I got back to work at the estate, Arran was rushed off his feet at work with tourists piling into the Gloaming during the day and work moving toward completion in the guest rooms. We’d barely gotten an hour or two together at night. Brodan flew back to Vancouver for the movie he was shooting, but Arran told me that Lachlan offered Walker, Brodan’s longtime bodyguard, who was staying at the estate with Brodan’s private security team, a bonus for keeping Lachlan informed of Brodan’s well-being. Walker had refused the money, shocking in itself, but he’d promised Lachlan he’d look out for their brother.