Ery was quiet a moment. “Do you think Lachlan would let me install a barre? I’d pay for it.”

I reached over to take her hand and squeezed it. “Of course. But you know he won’t let you pay for it, and I know you won’t let him pay for it. It’ll be fun to see who wins, though my money is on you.”

She laughed, and the sound only emphasized the magnitude of my feelings. When we got home, Ery practically jumped me. She kissed me and pulled at my clothes as we stumbled into her bedroom.

I didn’t want frantic, though.

I wanted to memorize every inch of her.

I wanted to make love to her.

So I did.

We held each other’s eyes, tension and intensity heightening our desire as I moved slowly, gently, inside her. It took time to build the pressure, so agonizingly good that I knew the payoff would be fucking fantastic.

And it was.

Ery came around me so hard, I felt every voluptuous throb of her inner muscles around my cock. My orgasm hit with such force, I bellowed her name as I came.

Holding myself over her, my face pressed to her throat, trying not to crush her with the full weight of my body, I felt those three words bubbling up inside me.

Christ, I wanted to tell her so badly.

But this was all still new between us. Although we’d known each other for a year, Ery had only just shared her past with me a week ago.

I was afraid if I told her I loved her now, it would chase her off.

So instead, I kissed her. I kissed her as if my lips comprised those three words, and when I finally pulled back to look into her eyes, I saw tears of amazement in them.

It was as if she’d felt every syllable of my silent declaration.



“I think this leaving the bride before the wedding day is nonsense.” Thane’s words carried down the upstairs hallway.

I was in the guest room Arro and I would be sharing for the night. The wedding dresses were safely hidden in here, along with Robyn’s and my bridesmaid gowns.

“It’s tradition, so you don’t see the bride in her wedding dress before the big event,” Regan explained unnecessarily. She giggled, and I raised an eyebrow. “Thane, you can handle a night without me. In fact, I bet you’re looking forward to it.”

“Never, Mo leannan.” There was silence, and then a female moan.

My cheeks colored. Had they forgotten I was up here too?

“Okay, okay,” Regan said breathlessly. “We have to stop. You need to leave.”

“Stupid bloody tradition.” I heard Thane murmur. Then louder, he said, “You’re already my wife in my mind and in my heart. You know that, right?”

“I do. And just to freak you out, you’ve been my husband in my head since my first day officially as your nanny when you found me in the kitchen making the kids’ lunches.”

“That soon, hmm?” I heard the rumble of amusement in his voice and was starting to feel very guilty for eavesdropping.

“That soon. And now it’s really happening, I can barely believe it.”

“Do you know how happy you make me, Mo leannan?”

“As happy as you make me.”

I grimaced at the obvious sounds of a passionate make-out, looking for an escape where there was none. Thankfully, however, Regan broke free and forced Thane downstairs.

Now that I knew I wasn’t about to be forced to listen to them having sex, I could smile at what I’d accidentally overheard. Anyone who met Thane Adair would never believe he was sappy and romantic with his fiancée. No wonder Regan was head over heels.

I’d watched him during family events and occasions looking at her as if she was the most perfect thing he’d ever seen, but to hear him be so free with his affection was heartwarming.

And tomorrow Regan would finally be his wife on paper, too, and I couldn’t be happier for them.

For the double wedding, it was decided that all the girls would stay at Thane and Regan’s the night before, and all the boys at Lachlan and Robyn’s. Robyn and Regan were sharing a room, and Eilidh would probably join them, while I was sharing with Arro. It would be like a giant jittery slumber party. It had always been nice to be included like this by the Adair family, but now that I was with Arran, it felt more somehow. And it brought me the kind of peace I hadn’t dared hope for in such a long time.

As I crossed the room to go downstairs, now that it was safe to emerge, I caught sight of two people out the bedroom window. Arro and Mac were on the back lawn.

An ache, the good kind, flared to life inside me. Mac had Arro’s face clasped in his hands. They pressed their foreheads together while Arro clung to his waist. I didn’t know if words were being exchanged or if they were just holding each other. Even from up here, I could feel the love between them. It was so special. Then Mac lowered to his haunches to speak to Arro’s belly. Whatever he said made Arro throw her head back in laughter. She didn’t see the look on Mac’s face when he stared up at her. But I did. My God, did that man love her. It was epic.