That made me feel a little better. “Okay. Well, I guess that explains my irrational feelings about Monroe. Especially as Arran’s convinced Brodan was the one who had romantic feelings for her.”

A sadness flittered across Arro’s pretty face. “I suspect Arran’s correct. God knows why Brodan didn’t make a move there if he cared so much for Roe.” Realization dawned in her eyes. “Brodan’s coming home for our wedding. He might bump into her. He knows she’s here, right?”

“Arran told him.”

Arro nodded, expression thoughtful. “I wonder how he’ll feel about it.”

“It would be nice if he had another reason to stay in Ardnoch,” I mused. “Instead of traveling the world, avoiding his family for reasons unknown.”

She chuckled. “Don’t tell me you’re trying to play matchmaker?”

“No. And might not have to if we tell Regan.” I grinned.

Arro laughed. “That is very true. She was trying to get you and Arran together all along. And I think secretly she wanted Mac and me together too. She’s a bit of a romantic, that one.”

“A bit?” I scoffed. “Try a huge romantic. Speaking of, how are the wedding plans coming along?” We were only ten days out from the big day.

With a grimace, Arro confessed, “I’ve really just left it up to Regan. I’d feel bad about that if she didn’t seem to thrive on the planning. Mac and I have weighed in with some decisions, but we really just said, ‘Here’s the money, do as you wish with it.’ Not that it’s going to be a big to-do like Robyn and Lachlan’s wedding. It’s fairly simple. And Mac and I don’t really care, to be honest, as long as we’re surrounded by family. We just want to be married already.”

The double wedding ceremony was to be held on the land the Adair family owned in Caelmore, situated between Thane’s and Lachlan’s residences and Arro’s and Arran’s almost completed homes. On the cliff, overlooking the North Sea. And the newly renovated Gloaming would play host to the reception after. The banquet hall normally used for the anniversary ceilidh every year was being transformed for the two couples’ reception.

“I think it’s going to be perfect,” I told her truthfully.

We talked a little more about what Regan had organized, and I marveled at her ability to juggle that, her studies for her business degree, and being a full-time mom to Eilidh and Lewis. She was the youngest adult in our little clan, but you wouldn’t know it. Regan had a maturity far beyond her years, which was why the thirteen-year age gap between her and Thane wasn’t a big deal.

When Regan had first appeared in Ardnoch, I’d been surprised to learn she was nothing like rumor had it. I’d expected a spoiled, immature, flighty princess, and instead I met a sunny, kind, loyal young woman desperate to mend her relationship with her big sister. No one had expected her and Thane to fall in love after he asked her to be the children’s nanny, but fall in love they did. And I’d watched Thane, whom I knew fairly well from babysitting the kids over the years, lose the shroud of sadness that had encased him for years. I witnessed his transformation into this new person. Because Regan made him happy.

That was the kind of love I’d always wanted.


My breath caught at the thought because … I had changed. I was more open. And more content than I could remember being in years.

Did that mean I was in love?

Thankfully, before I could fall down that rabbit hole, Arro distracted me with wedding, work, and pregnancy talk. Soon enough, though, it was time for me to get back to the estate and Arro back to work. We paid up, called goodbye to Flora, and as I held the door open for Arro, she stepped outside and tensed.

Alert, I hurried to her side. “What is it?”

Arro’s gaze was firmly fixed down the busy street. “Do you see her? That social media gossip bitch. The young blond on the phone.”

I raised an eyebrow at Arro for calling anyone a bitch. It wasn’t really her style.

She sighed. “Sorry. This pregnancy is making me salty, as Eilidh would say. I don’t know where she picks that stuff up.”

My lips twitched as I tried to spot the influencer she was talking about. And there. Outside the sportswear store owned by Zuzanna and Prentice. “Why is she still here?”

“Because she’s as scummy as the paparazzi.” Arro curled her lip in distaste. “Lachlan is aware of her. The local police have warned her after a few residents complained she was trying to harass them for information about our family and the estate members.”

I turned Arro away. “Just ignore her. She’s not worth your energy.”

“Ery! Arro!”

My heart leapt at the familiar voice as we looked up across the street toward the Gloaming. Arran checked the street was clear and then jogged across, smiling at us. Anticipation and giddiness filled me at the mere sight of him.