“Now I’m offended by the moron comment.”
“You are not. I’ve said worse to you before we were even friends, and you weren’t offended in the least. In fact, I think it turned you on.”
Shoulders shaking with laughter, I admitted, “You’re absolutely right.”
“Sick man.” Ery chuckled.
“Nah, just high on you.”
“Stop distracting me, woman, and tell me about these men who came before me.”
“You’re really not bothered by it?”
My hands tightened on the wheel. “I suppose not because they’re in your past, but I guess it’ll depend on what you share.”
“Okay, well, I had a first love, which I think differs from other kinds of love. It was almost like puppy love. His name was Michael. We were fourteen when we started dating—high school sweethearts. He was on the football team and won a scholarship. He was quiet, but not in a shy way. He was beautiful. And kind. He didn’t pressure me for sex, and somehow that made me want him more, so he was my first. I got lucky with Michael. Kia had one bad relationship after another, but Michael was one of the good ones. I think even Kia had a crush on him.”
Something a lot like jealousy gripped me at the affectionate tone when she spoke of this guy. “What happened?”
“We broke up when he went off to college.”
“That was it?”
“That was it. And then I had a few relationships over the years, but none stuck and none were memorable, to be honest. I started seeing a mechanic a few months before my sister’s death. I’d taken my beat-up car to his garage, and Nick was very charming. Kind of like you, actually.”
There was that jealousy again. “Like me?”
“You know, overtly flirtatious, gregarious, the opposite of me.”
“I thought there might be something there. Potential. And while sex had been okay for me in the past, it was good with him.”
Yeah, maybe I couldn’t handle this. I grunted in response.
“Arran.” Ery slid her hand across my thigh and squeezed. I looked over at her, and she’d shoved her sunglasses into her hair so I could see the warmth in her beautiful eyes. Unfortunately, the road called my gaze away from hers. “That night with you, and every night since, has been the best sex of my life. And what I felt for Nick doesn’t come close to what I feel for you.”
The knot inside me relaxed, and I shot her a wry smile. “Guess I get jealous too.”
“I don’t think either of us needs to be jealous anymore, do you?”
“No,” I replied hoarsely. “I only want you.”
“And I only want you.”
I covered her hand on my thigh and threaded our fingers together. For a while, we drove like that, in perfect, comfortable silence, finally certain of each other.
I strolled into Flora’s later that week, still in workout gear since I had a class later in the afternoon, and smirked at the sight of Arro guarding the small bistro table by the window. She glowered at the counter. The café was packed, and a few people waited at the counter, eagle eyes on the table, as if willing her to leave. Arro’s hand was settled on her small bump as if to emphasize the point that these people really didn’t want to mess with her right now.
Her entire face lit up when she saw me, and she relaxed as I sat across from her. “How did you secure this?”
“Mac did. He was driving through on his way to Inverness and stopped by for a quick kiss.” She beamed, smug that she had a guy who would stop mid journey for a kiss from his fiancée. “He was pissed off I was standing while waiting for a table, so as soon as one became available, he eyed those people currently eyeing me in a way that said, ‘You wouldn’t dare deny my pregnant fiancée a table.’ And of course, they wouldn’t with a six-foot-four Scotsman scowling down at them. He basically used his intimidating presence to grab the next available table.”
Chuckling, I shook my head. “You do realize there is nothing in the world you won’t get if you want it. He’ll make sure of that.”
Her smile turned secretive and so full of happiness, I ached with the same emotion for her. “Aye, I know.”
“Ladies, ladies.” Flora appeared, looking harassed. She glanced over her shoulder at the rest of the café and then bent toward us to mutter, “I know these summer months keep me open, but sometimes I wish the tourists would just go away, you know.”
“Oh, I know.” Arro shot another annoyed look at the threesome still staring at us, as if trying to creep us out enough that we’d give up our table. “Sometimes I could kill Lachlan for making this place a destination spot.”
“Och, I wouldn’t go that far,” Flora tutted. “We’re all very grateful for the business. It’s just … trying sometimes. Now, what can I get you?”