I almost dropped the wine bottle in my hand. “What?”

Regan chuckled evilly. “You have a sex glow. Your skin is glowing and you’re all dreamy.”

I gaped at her, horrified. “Do you think anyone else knows?”

“Pretty much all the adults.” She shrugged casually and picked up the carved roasted chicken to take over to the table.

Oh, Lord. Now I really was one of them. I couldn’t count how many times the others had been teased for disappearing at a party or turning up late to an event and all of us knowing why … because of the sex glow.

Now I was in that club.

While embarrassment heated my cheeks, I also felt a thrill of belonging. And not just belonging, but … like life was finally happening to me instead of around me.

Once all the food was on the table, I took my seat next to Arran who reflexively leaned in to give me a quick kiss on the lips.

“Uncle Arran!”

Everyone turned toward the squeal to find Eilidh gaping at us from across the table.

Her brother sat next to her, his mouth hanging open.

“You kissed Ery!” Eilidh’s eyes were so big, they were beyond comical.

“Eils, lower your voice, please,” Thane said beside her, though amusement curled his lips.

“I’m sorry,” she said, deliberately softer and slower. “But Uncle Arran just kissed Aunty Eredine.”

My heart lurched in my chest.

She’d never called me aunty before.

I melted in my seat, blinking back tears. Happy tears.

“Well …” Arran cleared his throat as he slid an arm around my shoulders. “Eilidh, Lewis, Aunty Eredine and I are dating. Do you understand what that means?”

“Of course, we’re not five.” Eilidh rolled her very grown-up seven-year-old eyes.

I struggled not to laugh.

“Are you getting married too?” Lewis wrinkled his nose.

Arran almost choked. “Um … we’re not quite there yet, pal.”

There yet? Wow. Okay.

“Good.” Lewis shot his soon-to-be stepmom a weary look. “Weddings are boring.”

Regan met Thane’s gaze. “I guess I’ve been talking about the wedding too much.”

Her fiancé grinned.

“Weddings are not boring,” Eilidh disagreed, throwing her brother a scowl. “I get to wear a pretty dress.”

“So do I,” Lewis huffed.

“A kilt is not a dress,” Thane, Lachlan, Mac, and Arran said in unison.

I snorted with laughter as Lewis made a face and replied, “Aw right, keep your hair on.”

And just like that, Arran and I were forgotten, the kids accepting our relationship without another word.

I didn’t know what I’d expected at dinner as an outed couple—perhaps constant questioning looks or to feel Lachlan’s concerned gaze on me? But there was none of that. Our friends seemed to have processed and accepted us too.

Eventually, I relaxed and just enjoyed the wonderful, warm banter of the Adairs who, in losing so much, had learned that nothing mattered more than family.

I was proud to be counted among them.



Two weeks of bliss.

That’s what this is, I thought, as Eredine rode me in bed that morning.

To have her like this, without the shadow of secrecy hanging over us, was everything I’d wanted for months. And it was better than I could have imagined. Even the sex was better now that I didn’t have to hide how I felt about her.

I groaned, my hands flexing on her waist as I tried to hold back long enough for her to come first. It wasn’t easy when she was so warm and tight, each lift of her hips a searing drag of her pussy up my cock. Her nipples were tight on her perky tits, and her face was flushed. Her lips parted to release her gasps and pants. All of that, with her dark curls tumbling down her back, was too much beauty to behold.

“Fuck, I’m going to come,” I grunted. I slipped my hand between us and slid my thumb against her clit, circling it roughly, desperate for her to climax first.

And come she did.

Her hips juddered, her belly flexing as I felt her inner muscles throb around me.

“Fuck!” I threw my head back as I let go, white lights of pleasure blinding me.

Ery collapsed over me, her face in my neck as she shuddered, her hair tickling my skin wherever it touched.

I found the strength to wrap my arms around her, loving the feel of her dewy skin pressed to mine. Bliss.

Bloody wonderful bliss.

After a while of holding each other, Ery finally lifted her head to smile at me. I loved her smile. It was sweet and sexy and shy and mischievous all at once, and I had no idea how she achieved that feat. But achieve she did. Ery gave me a light kiss and moaned as she lifted herself off me. Christ, I wanted her again. The woman made me insatiable.

“Want a coffee before we shower?” she asked as she got out of bed and slipped on her robe.


As Ery left the room, I moved into her bathroom, trying not to touch the dress hanging on the door for the double wedding. It was sealed in a protective bag, but I wasn’t allowed to see it. She was a bridesmaid for Regan and Arro and wanted to surprise me.