“Aye, that’s an understatement.” He exhaled slowly. “I’ll be in touch about my team looking into the email, but we’ll keep it between us and hope it’s nothing. Now get back and get dried before you catch a chill, or you’ll be useless to your new girlfriend.”

Reaching for the door, I glanced over my shoulder. “Is a woman your girlfriend when you’re in your thirties?”

“I don’t know. I proposed to Robyn before we really had that conversation, and she was my fiancée from that point on.”

“You wasted no time there.” I pulled open the door, the sound of the storm crashing inside. “See you in a bit!”

“Arran!” he called out as I hurried onto the deck.

I looked back at him. “Aye?”

“When you know, you know. And there is no point wasting time,” he offered, his expression serious. “Trust that feeling.”

* * *


The dreary day mirrored my mood perfectly. As I approached Caelmore, the dark clouds finally moved on, and light, golden rays streamed through breaks in the gray puffs left behind. For days, I’d had my own personal storm hanging over me, but the nearer I drew to Arran and the chance to figure things out, the better I felt. I wanted to talk to Arran alone as soon as I got there, so I’d texted him before I left for Sunday lunch with the Adairs to ask him to meet me in the annex.

He must have heard my car pull up—he stood waiting in the guest house’s front doorway. His brow furrowed, and he looked a little tense.

“Everything okay?” he asked.

I gave him a small smile as I brushed past, my skin tingling where our arms touched. We hadn’t had sex in a week because I was on my period, but it ended last night, so I was looking forward to reconnecting. What was more important at this point was to make sure we were okay. I’d been a little in my head after I realized how much I was jeopardizing if this didn’t work out, and it had taken me the rest of the week to conclude that my fears were irrational. Not because this might not work out with Arran. Of course, it might not. But because I knew neither Lachlan nor Arro would let me fall outside the family fold, no matter what.

And once I realized that, I was unnerved that Arran had also been very distant this week.

I wanted to know why.

Usually, I let people be. If they had a problem and wanted to talk about it, I was happy to be a soft shoulder or a listening ear. Rarely did I coax problems out of people, because that would be hypocritical.

Today I was going to be a hypocrite.

I turned near the foot of his bed as Arran closed the door behind us. “You’ve been quiet all week. I know I’ve been quiet, too, but it was because I was in my own head about everyone knowing we’re dating. So I’m sorry, but why were you in your head?”

Arran’s lips twitched at my rambling, and he approached slowly. His eyes roamed my face in a manner that made me feel more beautiful than I’d ever felt in my life. He looked at me like I was the best thing he’d ever seen. It was overwhelming and thrilling.

Reaching out, he slid his arms around my waist and pulled me to him until our chests touched, my mouth inches from his. “I was in my head because you were in your head. I was worried you were having second thoughts.”

That was what I’d assumed, and I hated it. “I’m sorry. You know … you’re the one Adair who bulldozed into my life and pushed me to be social with you. Everyone else tiptoed around on eggshells, afraid to push me. I like that you push me, challenge me. Don’t stop now that we’re in a relationship. I hate to tell you this,” I said wryly, “but sometimes your girl needs a giant shove.”

Arran grinned, his arm squeezing me in reflex. “My girl?”

My cheeks heated. “Well, I am. Right?”

“Oh, aye,” he replied hoarsely and dipped his head to touch his lips to mine.

What started out as a shivery brush of mouth against mouth turned hungry in an instant, and Arran shuffled us back toward the bed.

I broke the kiss on a gasp. “Dinner,” I reminded him.

“Is your period finished?” he asked, staring at my mouth like a starving man.


“Then dinner can wait.” He threw us on the bed, and my laughter was soon swallowed by his kisses.

* * *

“So, is this how it’s going to be from now on?” Regan asked quietly at my side as I helped her in the kitchen.

The rest of the family was already around the dining table. “Huh?”

She grinned at me, flashing her adorable dimples. “Thane saw you pull up to the house when he was in the office. You went to Arran’s, and both of you arrived not only just barely in time for dinner, but you have a sex glow.”