I knew something had existed between her and my brother Brodan. I didn’t know if anything physical happened or if feelings had been exchanged, but I’d witnessed a spark between them at Lachlan’s wedding. For months, I’d been trying to build the trust between me and Ery so I could ask her.

Yet, as much as I loved and owed Brodan, if they had a past together, it wouldn’t stop me. Whatever was between them, he was foolish enough to leave her behind. As far as I was concerned, that told me everything I needed to know. I knew my brother, sometimes even better than he knew himself. And if Brodan truly wanted her, he’d be here.

But he wasn’t.

I was.

And if it took me another six months to make my way past Ery’s defenses, enough for her to let me in, to tell me what she was running from, to convince her to go on a date with me, then I was here for it.

Because I’d never felt this drawn to a woman before.

Eredine was worth whatever tension might arise between me and Brodan when I made my move … but we’d get through it. My brother and I had survived worse.

Something in me settled as I approached Ery. Those gorgeous hazel-green eyes dropped to meet my gaze. She gave me a small smile, and a wee swoop of nerves buzzed in my gut. Not that I’d ever admit that to anyone, especially not my siblings. I’d never hear the end of it.

This morning I’d been a bit too nosy, wandering into her bedroom under the guise of bringing her a protein shake, but I wanted to know everything about her. And watching her get ready for the day had been extremely satisfying in an unnerving, possessive way. Very few people, and not any in the last few years, as far as I was aware, had the privilege of seeing Eredine in her bedroom doing her hair and makeup. Now I had. And as I’d sat and watched her, I couldn’t help but imagine having that pleasure in the mornings after making her come.

“That is quite an intense look on your face,” Ery teased as she pushed off her car and sauntered toward me. The feminine sway in her hips killed me more each day. “What were you thinking about?”

“You don’t want to know.” I winked at her, and she rolled her eyes, already turning to walk down Main Street.

Falling in beside her, we’d stepped away from the car park outside the Gloaming, which served as the main car park for the village, when a Range Rover slowed beside us. I curled a hand around Eredine’s elbow, drawing her to a stop as I was unsure where the vehicle intended to go. It halted beside us, and the passenger window rolled down to reveal a vaguely familiar youthful face. I guessed she was one of Lachlan’s club members. Peering past her at the driver, I didn’t recognize her.

The passenger flicked a look at Eredine before turning her attention to me, smiling flirtatiously. “You’re an Adair, right?” she asked in an American accent. “I’m sure I saw you at Lachlan’s summer party thing last year.”

Something about her tone bothered me, but she was a guest, so I gave her a respectful nod. “Yes, I’m Arran. Can I help you with anything?”

Her gaze moved past me to the Gloaming. “We heard this place did good food, but it looks closed.”

“It’s under renovation at the moment.”

“Right.” She glanced at her companion. “Inverness?”

“There’s An Sealladh, Ms. Benning,” Eredine offered. “A restaurant about fifteen minutes outside the village, right on the water.”

Ms. Benning?

I knew that name, and I knew the young woman’s face, but I couldn’t quite recall her first name. What I did know was I didn’t like the way she zeroed in on Ery, tone haughty. “Aren’t you the little Pilates instructor?”

What the fuck? Her condescending tone when she said little made me grind my teeth.

Eredine’s expression never wavered as she politely answered, “I’m the Pilates instructor for the estate, yes.”

Benning’s eyes flicked to me and then back to Eredine. “Huh.” She sighed heavily, her nose wrinkling like she was annoyed. “Un Shalag, did you say?”

“No.” I shook my head at her butchering the Gaelic. “An Sealladh.” I spelled it. “You’ll find it on your sat nav. Your GPS.”

She beamed at me. “Thanks. There must be something in the water here because all of you Adair boys are spectacular. And of course, there’s Mac. What I wouldn’t give for an Adair/Mac sandwich.” She laughed flirtatiously while I tried not to shudder at the thought.

“Right. Well …” I placed a hand on Ery’s back to lead her away. “Enjoy your day, Ms. Benning.”

“Hey, if you see Mac, will you tell him I was asking for him?” she called out as the Range Rover moved slowly past us.