“Ery.” I stepped back from Monroe, who turned to look at Eredine.

“Hi.” She gave Ery a small wave.

Ery remained expressionless as her gaze moved to Roe. “Hi.” Her tone was flat.

Roe blushed. “Okay. I better get going, or I’ll be late for school.” She looked up at me with a tender smile. “See you around, Arran.”

“You will,” I promised her.

She chuckled, nodded, and gave us another wave before hurrying away, forgoing the coffee she’d originally set out for before Harriet Blume accosted her.

Approaching Eredine, I noted the way she stiffened as I got closer.

Was she … jealous?

“Hey. What are you doing here?”

She wouldn’t meet my gaze, and I cursed as a tourist couple knocked my shoulder hard trying to get past us. I gestured toward the side of the building, out of people’s way. Ery walked over to join me.

“I thought I’d grab a sandwich from Morag’s,” she answered flatly, her eyes darting up and down Main Street. “I forgot it would be like this.”

I frowned. “Look at me.”

She lifted her gaze to mine. Carefully blank.

I sighed. “Please don’t tell me you think something is going on between Monroe and me? It was just a hug.”

“It was an awfully long, intimate hug.” Ery shrugged like it was no big deal when her tight tone suggested the opposite.

“She’s an old friend.”

“Who you’ve had sex with.” She shrugged with fake breeziness. “It’s no surprise if there are still feelings there.”

“There are none,” I snapped, my frustration with our situation taking hold. “That was over a long time ago.”

She shrugged again. “It’s nothing to me if it wasn’t over. We’re just casual. But we promised no other lovers while we’re sleeping together, so just give me the memo—hey!” she cried out as I grabbed her hand and hauled her after me down the street. “Arran,” she hissed.

I didn’t stop. Not until I’d pulled her down the alley between Flora’s and the outdoor clothing store. Then I only stopped once we were far enough down it to hide in shadows from Main Street. I pressed Ery up against Flora’s, bracing my hands on either side of her head, and crushed her lips beneath mine.

At first, she was resistant, but I kissed Ery like I’d never get the chance to kiss her again, breathing in the scent of vanilla and jasmine that would forever remind me of her. I felt her hands grip my waist as I lifted Ery’s thigh to press in between her legs, letting her feel how hard I was for her. All it took was a kiss to get me like this, and a woman hadn’t been able to control my body like that since I was a teen.

I nibbled at her mouth before slowing to brush my lips over hers. Then I murmured against them, “You never need to be jealous of anyone, Ery. You’re all I think about.” I met her desire-laden gaze. “Every fucking hour of the day.”

Uncertainty filled her eyes. “Arran—”

I kissed her again, harder, cutting off words I was pretty sure I didn’t want to hear.

A throat cleared, cutting through the fog of need.

I tensed at the same time Ery did.


Breaking our kiss and lowering her leg, I kept my body pressed protectively to hers as I turned to greet the throat clearer.

Dread filled me as the intruder was revealed.

Jared fucking McCulloch, of all people.

He smirked at us and waved an empty to-go cup from Flora’s. “Just thought I’d save myself a trip and toss my cup in Flora’s rubbish.” He gestured to the commercial rubbish bin beyond us. “Sorry for interrupting.”

No, he wasn’t.

Then something flickered across his expression I didn’t like as he looked at Ery. “I always knew there was a wildcat buried beneath the shyness. Pity I didn’t get there first.”

That fucking prick! I lunged at him but was surprised by the strength of Ery’s hold as she held me back. “Don’t!” she cried. “Not worth it.”

Jared looked delighted by my reaction. “Good,” he said cryptically.

What the fuck?

“Jared.” Eredine stepped around me. “Please don’t mention this to anyone. We don’t want people to know.”

Hurt lit through me that secrecy was her first concern.

As for Jared, his chin jerked back as if surprised. And then his gaze flashed to mine, his expression hardening. He made a huffing sound before he looked back at Ery. “It’s none of my business, so I’ll keep my mouth shut.” He threw the empty cup with perfect aim into the bin, and then said, “But you deserve a man who is proud you want to be with him, Eredine.” He cut me one last dark look and then strode out of the alley.

Frustration and anger churned in my gut. I felt like I might break out of my skin. Ery turned to look at me, trepidation on her face.

For a reason.