As a voracious romance reader, she’d chosen a contemporary novel that was extremely emotional and spicier than anything I’d ever read. Enthralled upon finishing it, I proceeded to buy a bunch more titles for my e-reader. Regan would be so proud. I couldn’t wait to tell her.

What I wouldn’t be telling her, however, was that the romance novel had only made me miss sex more. It wasn’t like I hadn’t gone through periods of missing sex in the last eight years—of course, I had. But it had never been this insistent, and I was trying not to overanalyze the timing.

Sighing, I concentrated on driving. I was more than used to the crazy Scottish weather that could change from sunshine to snow in a second, so this weird week of summer temperatures in spring didn’t surprise me. Today was another gloriously warm day. Last week I’d been wearing my winter jacket and boots, and now I wore a thin, long-sleeved T-shirt, shorts, and sneakers.

To be fair, we wouldn’t consider this hot in California, but my blood had acclimated to the Scottish temps. And when the sun came out in Scotland, so did the skin. Had to grab our vitamin D while we had the chance.

Smiling at the fact that I now considered myself part Scottish, I hummed along to the radio, enjoying the smell of sun lotion and the shade of my sunglasses.

Arro lived with Mac in a midcentury bungalow on the northern outskirts of Ardnoch village. Once their new house was built in Caelmore near Lachlan and Thane, she planned to rent the bungalow as a holiday let. Arran was building a house near Arro too. A big house. A family-sized house.

I ignored a panicky, fluttery feeling at the thought of my friend settling down with some faceless woman. It would be bye-bye friendship, then, wouldn’t it? No wife would allow her husband such a close friendship with another woman.

Mood somewhat soured, I turned up the radio, blasting “Wrecked” by Imagine Dragons to drown out my feelings.

I lowered the volume when I slowed into Arro’s residential area. As I pulled into her cul-de-sac, I noted Robyn’s Range Rover and assumed she’d driven Regan here since they were neighbors.

Disconnecting my phone from my car after I parked, I noticed a text message from Arro.

Too nice to sit inside so we’re in my back garden. See you soon!

Just like that, I didn’t mind so much leaving behind my peaceful little lodge. I enjoyed Arro, Robyn, and Regan’s company. They seemed to accept me for who I was and never pushed me to give any more than I could. My sixth sense told me from day one of meeting each of them they were good people, all unfailingly kind. Kindness was a big factor for me in choosing friends. Kind friends, plus a day outdoors, sounded good.

Walking quietly around the side of Arro’s house, I heard the American-accented voices of Regan and Robyn. It was more than nice to have fellow Americans as friends in Scotland. It made me feel more at home.

But then I caught the sound of my name and stopped, staying hidden.

“We’re all worried about Eredine,” Arro said, her brogue carrying across the yard.

I frowned, leaning against the side of the house.

“I’m just saying maybe we shouldn’t be sitting on that,” Regan replied.

My heart rate picked up speed. Sitting on what?

“Or maybe we should,” Robyn spoke, her tone stern. “Thane told Lachlan that you did something with Arran the other night. Set it up so he was there when Ery came over to babysit. What’s with that?”

What? I gaped. I hadn’t even asked why I was there if Arran was around to look after Eilidh and Lewis. I’d just been happy he was.

Argh. Regan!

“What?” Regan huffed. “They are good together.”

“You know there’s something there with Brodan,” Robyn argued.

“I’m sorry, but Brodan would have already gone there with Eredine if he was serious about it, and Thane told me Brodan is extremely commitment phobic.”

“That’s true,” Arro added.

A year ago, that might have hurt.

Now I saw it for the truth.

“Brodan or Arran or the man from Timbuktu, it doesn’t matter. Eredine has shown no interest in a romantic relationship beyond an obvious crush on Brodan.”

I flushed. Obvious?

“She’s a grown woman, and if she wants a relationship, she’ll go after one. You are not butting into her life that like.”

Thank you, Robyn. Voice of reason!

“I have to agree, Regan,” Arro said.

I heard a heavy sigh. “I wasn’t trying to cause trouble. I just … I was thinking about it, and Ery has been here, what, eight years? And in that time, have you ever seen her with anyone?” Regan asked.

Arro answered, “No. No one.”

“That’s eight years without sex. Eight loooooong years. That is too long for a woman to go without.”

Scowling in embarrassment, I considered getting back in my car. So, eight years was a long time. I knew that! I didn’t need other people to remind me. Not that she knew she was reminding me, since they were talking behind my back.