Though rage burned through my blood at her threat, I stayed outwardly calm. “Fired?”

Her lips twisted cruelly. “I’m an excellent actor, Pilates Girl, and I’m pretty sure everyone will believe me when I say that you hit me in a fit of rage for no good reason.”


Was she insane?

Struggling to control my breathing, I clenched my fists, hating the satisfaction I saw in her face as she took in my reaction.

“Well? Mac’s number?”

Feeling sick to my stomach, but refusing to be cowed by this awful woman, I replied, “You’ve made a huge mistake, Ms. Benning.”

“Don’t you threaten me,” she snapped, getting in my face, and I feared this was about to escalate.

“Step back,” I replied quietly. “Step back now. There are cameras in this studio,” I warned her.

Her eyes widened as she retreated, glancing up toward the corner of the room. She spotted the CCTV Lachlan installed after Lucy and Fergus trashed my studio. Iris blanched. Her gaze flicked to me. “I’ll just say you threatened me. Which is true.” Then she stormed out of the studio.

“Damn it,” I muttered, running a shaky hand down my face.

* * *

Lachlan’s expression had darkened, a human representation of a thundercloud.

“She said what?”

Still sick to my stomach, I repeated word for word what Iris Benning said to me.

My boss and friend pushed away from the desk in what we called his stage office. It was a fancy reception room just off the great hall used to talk with club members. His actual office was a small, practical room in the staff quarters. “That nasty, dangerous wee …” He petered off in a growl of anger.

He then lifted the phone off his desk and hit a button. “Mac,” he barked, “I need you in my stage office now.” He hung up, his attention returning to me.. “Are you all right?”

“I’m fine,” I promised him, even though I was still shaken.

Lachlan rounded the desk and leaned against it. “I’m sorry I put you in this position.”

“You didn’t. You weren’t to know what she was like.”

“But I knew she was bothering Mac. I just didn’t realize it was this bad. And to threaten you … did she honestly think she’d get away with that? That I’d believe her over you?”

Yes. But I had to wonder if deep down, Iris thought no one would believe a Black member of staff over a White club member. She was a fool, if so. She didn’t know Lachlan at all. It also made me wonder if she’d done this before. How many people she thought below her had she hurt to get what she wanted?

It made me seethe, though no one would ever know.

I was a swan, floating calmly across the water, but no one could see my feet kicking like hell beneath.

“Thank you for trusting me,” Lachlan said.

I gave him a small smile. “Of course. You’re a good boss, Lachlan, and an even better friend.”

His lips quirked, but his eyes were still filled with anger and concern. A knock at his door brought our heads around as Mac Galbraith entered. He took in the sight of us and closed the door. Sensing the obvious tension, he scowled. “What happened?”

* * *


It was a good thing the kids were around to hog my attention because every second they weren’t asking me a question or demanding a story, my attention was drawn to Eredine.

She’d seemed fine after our conversation on the beach a few days ago. I’d been assured from her demeanor that whatever feelings she’d had for Brodan had been shallow and fleeting.

But for days now, Eredine had been quiet and introspective, and when I tried to ask her if anything was the matter, she blew me off.

It was fucking irritating.

I wanted her to tell me when she was having a shit day. I wanted to be that person she could vent to.

Something was up. I could feel it.

As I took a bite of the fajitas Lachlan and Robyn had cooked for our weekend family get-together, I watched Eredine smile at something Arro said at the other end of the table. What was with that? Ery usually sat with me.

Had I pushed her away by being honest about Monroe, about how I used to treat women? Surely, she knew from the fact that I had a permanent case of blue balls, I hadn’t touched another woman in eight months.

It was the longest I’d ever gone without sex.

And it was bloody unpleasant.

Sensing my stare, Eredine looked over and frowned. “What’s wrong?” she mouthed.

Aye, wasn’t that the question of the hour?

Before I could respond, my niece, Eilidh, who just turned seven but acted like a deranged forty-year-old half the time, announced loudly, “I’m done! Uncle Arran, will you come watch a movie with me now?”

“I’m done too.” Lewis, my nine-year-old nephew, pushed his plate away.