I nodded. “Will do.”

Abrams raised his bushy white eyebrows, regarding me sharply. “Very well. Good evening, Hartwell.”

“Good evening, sir.”

I glared at the doorway and let out a low growl. “I have to do something about him.”

Holden nodded and reached for the banana bread again. “He’s testing you. He wants to see if you’ve got what it takes before he throws his name behind you. It’s how those old-timers work. Tough love and all that.”

“I could use less tough love and more breathing room to get things done. Do you need a ride?”

“Depends on how long you’ll be.”

“I have to finish uploading grades, but I’ll be ready in twenty minutes. There’s a clean knife next to the mini fridge,” I said, eyes on my screen.

“Thank you. So…how’s your boyfriend?”

I shot a small smile his way and shrugged. I probably blushed too. “He’s a friend I’m dating.”

“Oh, excuse me. Thee in the know refer to such alliances as date-friends or friend-dates, yes?”

“No wonder Ezra gives you a hard time,” I teased, typing away.

“Ezra. That poisonous, bunch-back’d toad! Shakespeare, Richard the third.” Holden chomped a bite of banana bread, adding, “Is Noah perchance aware that your mom asked me to go to Santa Barbara with you?”

My fingers froze over the keyboard.

I pushed my glasses up my nose and swiveled to face him. “Excuse me?”

Holden pulled a “yikes” expression and nodded. “Your mom called me to make sure I knew the dress code for the wedding shower. I didn’t have the heart to tell her you hadn’t invited me, ’cause she seemed pretty sure of herself. Which means she probably doesn’t know about your beau. Are you going to ask Noah to join the Hartwell festivities, or shall I have my greatcoat dry-cleaned?”

“That’s so…” I sputtered. “I can’t believe she called you.”

“She said she didn’t want to risk you having an absent-minded professor moment. And she probably wanted to personally ask me not to dip into my Revolutionary War costume vault and show up in breeches and a waistcoat.”

“Not okay. I told her you had a boyfriend.”

“Marlon isn’t my boyfriend,” he huffed. “And you probably should have told her you have a boyfriend. Or a date-friend.”

“It’s not like that.”

“Hmm. In her defense, you usually do ask me to family events, and neither of us really cares about the dress code, which usually gets us both in trouble.”

“Stop being logical.” I logged off my computer, stabbing the keys with more force than necessary. “I’m ticked off.”

“I get it. Are you going to ask your new—”

“Don’t say date-friend again. It’s never catching on,” I snapped.

Holden snickered. “My bad. Look, I’m happy to give Noah tips on how to rile your sister and exasperate your dad.”

My stomach sank at the idea of Noah meeting my family. “A weekend with Bridezilla and my folks sounds like a great way to scare him off.”

Holden looked like he was about to argue the point, then gave up. “Well, lucky for you, I happen to be available. Just let me know. By the way, I like that guy. I think he’s good for you.”

“Me too.”

This was a real pickle.

Noah had made it clear from the start that he didn’t date. In fact, he’d volunteered to find me a date. But everything had changed. We’d gone from friends to lovers to something more.

We shared stories and pieces of our lives while doing everyday activities, like grocery shopping and cooking dinner. We’d met each other’s friends and heck, I’d even gone to one of his games. We were good together. We talked easily, we laughed at silly things, and made each other think. And we could be quiet together.

A weekend with the Hartwells and a miscellaneous group of my sister’s posh friends sounded like a surefire way to mess up a good thing. And Holden was right…Noah was a very good thing for me.

He was funny, brave, irreverent, and bursting with confidence, but he was vulnerable too and very careful. Yet he trusted me and leaned on me…as though he were sure I had the answers he needed. He wanted me to take over, set parameters, and call the shots.


I’d never considered myself to be an authority figure in any way. I was a consummate learner. If there were such a thing, I’d happily sign up to be a professorial student. But it was literally my job to teach and lead. And honestly, I was good at it. Noah inadvertently encouraged me to tap into my tough professorial persona in my everyday life. He made me feel smarter, stronger, and infinitely interesting. And I liked to think I made him feel…safe. And cherished.

Which was why throwing him to the wolves sounded like a terrible, horrible idea.

But this was what I’d said I needed…a date for the wedding shower. And Noah was the only one I wanted.