“Wow. That’s amazing.” Noah kept one eye fixed on the telescope for a long moment. And before I could show him the stars, he continued in a low voice I might have missed if I wasn’t sitting next to him. “I was very close to my dad. I talk a big game, but…I haven’t really gotten over that loss.”
I froze. “I’m sorry.”
Noah straightened his spine and handed the telescope over with a flippant half smile. “Me too. It is what it is and I can’t undo anything. I think I’m better at being alone now, but sometimes I wonder if they miss me—my dad in particular. We did everything together. When I was little, I was his shadow. He taught me how to ride a bike, how to swim, how to drive, how to change the oil in my car. We went on father-son camping trips, we went fishing, skiing, snorkeling. We were buddies. And I wasn’t one of those kids who got embarrassed when their dad showed up. I liked having him around. I liked showing off for him at games. I remember this one time, he lost some deal at work. He was bummed and said he’d feel better if I scored a goal for him. I scored three.”
“Your father must have been proud.”
“He was. He went nuts. High-fiving everyone in the stands and screaming, ‘That’s my boy. I love that kid.’” Noah shook his head as if shaking off a reverie. “Sorry. I don’t mean to be a downer. It’s just…sometimes I wonder if he thinks of me at all. I wonder if it’s worth trying again. Like maybe he just needed seven years to process my gayness and he’s waiting for the right time to reconcile.”
“Do you think that could happen?”
Noah inhaled deeply. “No, but it’s a nice dream.”
I wasn’t well versed in the art of offering comfort. I was the awkward shoulder-patter who usually backed out of a room when emotions got thick. But I couldn’t do that here. I’d wanted to know more about Noah. I’d wanted him to fill in the blanks and now that he’d finally shared a piece of his past, I realized it was heavy. If I wanted to stick around, I’d have to be stronger and try harder.
So I put my arm around him and kissed his temple. “I’m sorry you’re sad.”
“I’m not sad…just a little blue.”
“I don’t know if this will help, but when I’m blue I try to replace bad feelings with happy ones. For me, it usually comes from out there.” I pointed toward the heavens meaningfully. “That star is Sirius, the brightest in the night sky. It’s been recorded in some of the earliest astronomical records. Ancient people were very superstitious. They used to think that if you saw Sirius on a summer morning, the day would be hot and dry…bad for crops. If it twinkled, they’d say you were starstruck.”
Noah chuckled softly. “Thinking of ancient Greeks sweating about their crops makes you happy?”
“Well…bacon helps too. I think I have some. Want a BLT?”
He beamed at me. And for a moment, he outshone the brightest star in the galaxy. “I’d love one. But for the record, I am happy. I like this…being here with you. It’s good.”
I smiled and held him close to my side.
We eventually made our way to the kitchen, where we took turns flipping bacon and toasting bread while engaged in a faux-heated debate regarding the perfect amount of mayo. I argued for a light spread, Noah liked more.
Ezra and Cole stopped in and hung out with us, adding their two cents before heading out for the night. I observed Noah clandestinely, noting that he seemed comfortable interacting with my straight jock roommates. He didn’t modulate his voice or adopt a more masculine air when the conversation turned to Ezra and Cole’s lacrosse team and baseball stats. I tuned them out and basked in the moment.
On paper, I had as much in common with Noah as I did with my roommates, which wasn’t much. But I honestly had never felt more at home in my life.
“Good morning, queens.” I waved my right arm like a windmill, lowering my sunglasses as I sashayed into the salon. “I’m here to slay.”
Darcy guffawed, primly patting her red wig as if to make sure it didn’t slip from its perch. “Look at you. If I didn’t know any better, I’d think you’d spent the better part of your weekend on your back.”
And on my knees and bent over the sofa and in the shower.
Heat flooded my cheeks at the memory of what had gone down in my kitchen a few hours ago. I’d been minding my business, making coffee for my overnight guest when my professor sidled behind me, kissed my shoulders, and slipped his fingers under my boxer briefs. He’d come prepared with lube and a condom, and before I knew what had hit me, I was clutching the counter while he fucked me into oblivion.