“Why? What’s he like?”
“Sterling is a former jock. I’ve never dated or even been attracted to a jock.” I froze, belatedly remembering the soccer balls in the back of his SUV. “Except you. The attraction part. Not the dating part. This isn’t a date…obviously.”
Noah’s dazzling grin reminded me just how potent it felt to have his full attention. “Thank you, I think. And not to worry. I won’t get any ideas about dating. I don’t date.”
“Never ever. Do you like this shirt?”
He stood so close I could smell his shampoo now. I wasn’t sure why I noticed or why it turned me on. I leaned in, studying the pattern of glitter across his cheek and the hint of mischief in his gaze and something that looked a heck of a lot like lust.
It was the strangest thing to be so completely on the same sexual wavelength with someone while doing my best not to acknowledge it. The tension was wearing on me if the slightest brush of his shoulder sent an electric current of awareness through me.
What were we even talking about?
A shirt. Right.
“No, thank you.”
Noah set the garment aside and moved on to the next pile. “Okay. We’ll find something bright and cheery.”
“Don’t bother. I’ve always preferred plain colors. I think my mother was very happy to have my sister to dress up. I wasn’t as cooperative when it came to clothes. Do you have brothers or sisters?”
“No, I’m an only child,” he replied swiftly, gaze fixed straight ahead.
“Oh. Are you close to your par—”
“I haven’t seen my parents in years.”
I opened my mouth wide enough to insert my foot. When platitudes seemed hollow, I reverted to a clumsy apology. “I’m sorry.”
“Don’t be.” He fished his sunglasses out of his bag and reached for my elbow. “Shall we move on, Professor?”
“Wait.” I held up the white and blue shirts in my hand. “I’ll buy these and then…can I buy you lunch?”
He slid his sunglasses down his nose movie-star style. “Lunch?”
“To thank you for your time,” I added quickly.
He glanced at the floor before meeting my gaze. “That sounds nice. But I can’t let you go without buying a smart sports coat for the dreaded couples shower. Let’s get that over with.”
I sighed heavily. “Quickly, please.”
After I paid for the shirts, he led me to the shop next door and headed toward the sports jackets.
“Oh, I like this one. It’s dashing, distinguished, and affordable,” he gushed.
I spared the navy sports coat a glance before checking the price tag. “That’s affordable?”
“Yes, this is a bargain for a quality off-the-rack piece. It costs significantly less than designer duds, and it won’t fall apart within a year. Try it on, and then we’ll work on your khaki game.”
I scowled as I shrugged the suit coat on. “What’s wrong with my khakis?”
“They don’t do you justice, Professor,” Noah tugged at the sleeves, meeting my gaze in the three-way mirror outside of the dressing room area. “They’re a tad short and they do a terrible disservice to your ass. Oh, thank you, Dominic.”
A small bald man dressed in competing shades of red gave me a lecherous once-over.
“Mmm, you look dreamy.” He handed Noah a stack of trousers and pointed down a brightly lit hallway, adding, “Take the corner room, boys. If you need anything, I’m here for you, but I’m about to turn up the music, so holler.”
“What do you think?” Noah set his hands on my shoulders and smiled at our reflection.
“It’s nice.”
“Very nice. Leave it on so we can see how it looks with proper dress trousers. I’ll show you to the dressing room.”
Noah laced his fingers with mine and tugged me down a long hallway. The dance music on the overhead speakers seemed louder in the dressing rooms than it had in the open store. I could barely hear myself think above the reverberating jungle beat.
“I don’t need to try them on. He already took my measurements and I’m sure they’ll fit,” I huffed grumpily as he led me to a spacious dressing room with yet another trio of mirrors.
“Humor me.”
“Noah, I…” The music cranked up a notch.
He cupped his hand over his ear. “I can’t hear you, but I’ll be right outside. Show me your sexy self when you’re decent.”
A minute later, I opened the door and set my hands on my hips. “Well?”
Noah glanced up from his cell and blinked. I think he was speaking, but his words drifted as the volume rose to dance club levels. Not that I’d ever been to a dance club, but…you know what I mean. We engaged in an awkward pantomime consisting of thumbs-up signs, pointing, and a lot of head shaking. It was kind of funny, but mostly frustrating.
He ended our game of charades when he shoved a pair of charcoal trousers toward me, closing the door behind him.